Just share what newlisp does for me here

Started by csfreebird, July 30, 2013, 09:26:16 AM

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1. I just write a newlisp app for replacing CMake to build my C++ app on Ubuntu using GCC.

The article is written in Chinese, I have no time to translate it in English.


Newlisp is more powerful than many script languages, I never realized it could do build jobs before. :)

2. In our company,we have a lot continuous system, pull newest codes from Git repository, compile it and test it. We use Jenkins and other modern CI applications, but newlisp helps me to fill in gaps where those systems cannot do or not easy to do. For example, analysis git tags and setup web report site according to all tag names.

3. system admin job

I use newlisp to backup our MySQL database, git repositories every night. It's much easier than programming bash script.

4. My biggest newlisp app is to simulate many (about 7,000) smart devices to talk to C++ TCP server.

5. I also create some system setup scripts using newlisp, that help us to install our complex systems on both Ubuntu and Windows quickly.

 That's all I have done with the help of newlisp.

How do you use newlisp? Could you share your experience with me here?


Interesting post! Thanks for contributing it.

I think Lutz uses newLISP for everything... :)  But I don't use it so much at present - but I still have half a dozen scripts running every day on my machine. These are usually triggered by typing strings while Keyboard Maestro or TextExpander are running in the background - so when I type certain abbreviations they 'expand' into doing actions or tasks. Some scripting languages would take more than a few milliseconds to start up, and so couldn't be used for this level of interactivity. newLISP is also running a few CGI scripts and blogs for me. I've not written anything large-ish for ages though.


I still use newLISP.dll together with the windows GUI-RAD-tool neobook to develop inhouse tools and product configurators. Also I ported some autolisp code, to get the logik run outside of AutoCAD.



Log parsing  and reporting primarily. Due to its very smallish size I am able to distribute it and run across thousands of servers with ease. No lisp out there comes close to that feature.


My current project is a dashboard analytics for a field sales force. Sales people can track in real-time their leads, offers and sales. The CEO Board have a nice visualization with many charts and graphics.

It's powered by a custom tuned Dragonfly Framework with Twitter Bootstrap and lot's of JQuery. In the back their is a REST API.

The best: newLISP is so blazing fast, that their IT Department always wondered.


--()o Dragonfly web framework for newLISP



Thanks for the update, Marc.  BTW, will there be a forthcoming open source release for "Dragonfly II"?  :)
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)


Hi Ricky!

Dragonfly is rock-solid for my needs. By using the internal Resources API it's very flexible when talking to or receiving web services. So I'm not working on Dragonfly II. ;)

Here's a sample CRUD skeleton for a model "coaching":

(DF:activate-plugin "official/sqlite3")

(new Resource 'Resource.Coaching)
(context 'Resource.Coaching)

(define (Resource.Coaching:Resource.Coaching action id response-format)
(catch-all action id response-format)

(define (catch-all action id response-format)

(case action








(Response:content-type Response:text)
(println "This is API Version 1.0rn")
(println "Can't find called Action: " action "rn")
(println "Can't find called ID: " id "rn")
(println "Response format: " response-format "rn")
) ; END default


) ; END catch-all

(context MAIN)

Just put in Your newLISP scripts into the actions and You get an API which responds to calls like

If You need help on scrapers, SQLite or something else in newLISP just ping me. I've got a lot of libraries.


--()o Dragonfly web framework for newLISP



Thanks, Marc!
(λx. x x) (λx. x x)