Curious about newLISP

Started by Skreech, February 24, 2013, 02:42:57 PM

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I stumbled on an article praising newLISP and my curiosity was peaked.

I would like to build a simple chat bot (with the potential for more complex extensions later) and I think LISP would be best for this.  I am in the process of learning common lisp using Practical Common Lisp by Peter Seibel.  

I read an article that compared new chatbots (i.e. SIRI) with an old one written in LISP.  This older version had memory of things said previously and reasoning capability.  In the conversation with the tech the A.I. said something like: I assume by "that" you mean the blue cube.  Blue cube was referred to previously in the conversation.   Needless to say, I was rather disappointed that SIRI had no memory ... so, I decided to learn LISP and build one myself.

Anyway, that's a bit of background so you know what I wish to accomplish.  My questions are: would newLISP be better suited for my needs?  Should I stop learning Common LISP and focus on newLISP?  Would the ORO featured in newLISP be a hinderance for the bot's memory?

Any other tips you could provide would be fantastic as I am still new to the lisp world.  I think I am on the right track for this project though...


newLISP is generally easier and quicker than Common Lisp for getting ideas into some kind of working form. Common Lisp is a much bigger system, and will take more learning, obviously. But I think most of your work will be on the algorithms, rather than the coding.


ok. thank you.