Higher level multi-processing

Started by Ormente, June 21, 2013, 09:33:43 AM

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I was playing lately with this :
#!/usr/bin/newlisp -n -c

(context 'pool)

(define (pool:pool task (poolSize 5) (syncDelay 50))
    (while (> (length (sync)) poolSize)
         (sync syncDelay))
    (spawn 's (eval task)))

(define (pool:map task liste (poolSize 5) (syncDelay 50))
    (let (size (- (length liste) 1)
          out  '())
        ; spawn processes
        (for (i 0 size)
            ; Wait for availlable "slot" in pool
            (while (>= (length (sync)) poolSize)
                 (sync syncDelay))
            (spawn (sym i) (task (liste i))))
        (sync 10000)
        ; get back values
        (for (i 0 size)
            (push (eval (sym i)) out -1))))

(context 'MAIN)

(define (test-func x)
    (sleep (+ 5 (rand 100)))
    (* x x))

    "Map without pooling : "
    (time (map test-func (sequence 1 100)))

    "Pool map, default pool size : "
    (time (pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100)))

    "Pool:map, pool size = 50 : "
    (time (pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100) 50))

    "Just to check results : "
    (pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100) 50))

    "Pool:map on string : "
    (join (pool:map (lambda (c) (upper-case c)) "A beautiful string") "") )


Very basic attempt at creating higher level functions for multiprocessing. I thought it could be a good thing to have functions similar to these two (more optimised and fault-tolerant) availlable in newlisp coore:

- a pool-map to map a function on a list (or more, but my attempt is one list only) in a parallel way.

- a pool-pool to distribute tasks in a loop on a pool of threads (for side effects only, as in my attempt results are discarded).

What do you think?


Nice. I have been looking for this. Something in the line of Clojure agents.