newlisp.vim 1.32 (and 1.33!)

Started by Cyril, October 06, 2010, 07:53:16 PM

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Another release of the newLISP syntax highlighter for the Vim text editor. A subtle bug was fixed: an unbalanced parentheses inside the font highlighting (italic or monospace) inside documenting comments was breaking the Vim built-in paren matching. Example:

;; Unbalanced paren (

was OK, but

;; Unbalanced paren '('

was not. Now the later is OK too. Downloadable from usual locations (">one,">two). It will be helpful if someone will test this and report bugs (if any), because I am going to release the 1.33 version real soon now (next 24 hours or so), including all the new stuff from newLISP 10.2.16, in hope it will be the final release before newLISP 10.3. Thanks in advance!

If someone want to know the technical details: the Vim is very smart in parentheses matching job, it promptly skips the parentheses inside strings and comments. But strings and comments may have different syntax in different languages, so the definition is "any highlighting class whose name contains 'string' or 'comment'". In the previous versions of my highlighter, both plain comments and documenting comments does contain the word 'comment' in its name, but highlighted font sections inside doc comments was not. Now they are properly renamed.
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!


After re-reading your post, I deleted what I had previously posted. Looking forward fot the 10.2.16 features to be in newlisp.vim 1.33. Thanks for this great tool.


As planned, release 1.33, got in sync with newLISP 10.2.16. In particular:

* functions 'date-list', 'date-parse' and 'net-ipv' are added,

* function 'parse-date' is marked as deprecated,

* functions 'error-number' and 'error-text' are marked as obsolete,

BTW, 'error-number' is still mentioned in Code Patterns, and 'error-text' in xmlrpc.cgi example.

* "deprecated" and "obsolete" sections are separated; now "deprecated" are functions that are still in executable, and "obsolete" are that aren't. By default both types are displayed the same way (in "TODO" color), but you can override this in your .vimrc, for example:

hi link newlispDeprecated newlispSymbol

* NOT DONE: in his deleted comment Lutz have enlightened me about the [bracketed symbol] syntax. I have no clue about it before, and need some time to rethink some corner cases (like [(] ). So DON'T expect this been fixed soon (at least, not this week). Sorry.

Downloadable from usual locations (">one,">two). Probably no new releases before newLISP 10.3.

P.S. And I don't claim it is compatible with Vim 6.x anymore. No, I haven't broke anything intentionally, I just don't care. ;-)
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!


that looks interesting.  is bracketed symbol syntax explained somewhere other than in Lutz's deleted comment?
Cavemen in bearskins invaded the ivory towers of Artificial Intelligence.  Nine months later, they left with a baby named newLISP.  The women of the ivory towers wept and wailed.  \"Abomination!\" they cried.

m i c h a e l

In the newLISP manual, under "1. Syntax on symbol variables and numbers" in the "Symbols for variable names" section, number four states:

Quote from: "newLISP Manual and Reference"A symbol name starting with [ (left square bracket) and ending with ] (right square bracket) may contain any character except the right square bracket.

I had to look it up, too!

m i c h a e l


OK, I'm going to have to try this VIM thing.

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