Script for newLISP Function Reference Viewer.

Started by johu, May 14, 2010, 02:16:11 AM

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I make newLISP Function Reference and GUI Fuction Reference Viewer.

ScreenShot is!23A9A25E1AEC3626!2518.entry">here.(Japanese blog. 日本語の使い方もこちらで。)

Download URL is">//

 Usage: newlisp newLISP-help.lsp [directory | -URL | -URL=xxx.html] [yyy.ini] [zzz.hlp]

      directoy is the directory of newlisp_manual.html.

      xxx.html is the url or file for reading.

      yyy.ini is the initial file for Window's position and size with yyy.hlp.

      zzz.hlp is the function reference data file.

and examples:
newlips newLISP-help.lsp
newlips newLISP-help.lsp /usr/share/newlisp
newlips newLISP-help.lsp -URL=/usr/share/newlisp/newlisp_manual.html <- same as the usage above.
newlips newLISP-help.lsp -URL                                                       <- The latest reference is always shown.
newlips newLISP-help.lsp -URL=  <- same as the usage above.
newlips newLISP-help.lsp guiserver.hlp <- GUI Funcion Reference showing.
newlips newLISP-help.lsp newlisp.ini   <- Firstly, newlisp.ini and newlisp.hlp are created. At next time, Function Reference and Window's position and size are recoverd.

Thank you for reading to the last minute.

I welcome any advice, i.e. usage, code technique, mistake, etc.


Works great on my Mac so far. Thanks!


Very nice!

One request: there doesn't seem to be a way to get out of a search without changing the topic. Can you make it so that deleting the search string brings back the whole list (and maybe bind the escape key to that action)?
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


Thank you, cormullion.

I bear Cormullion's Corollary in mind.

Thanks for request, itistoday.

I added Back button.

And deleting the search string brings back, but with return key.

An updated version is here:">//

Is it suitable for your request ?

old-version is here:">//

I use gs:text-field for InputBox, then I can't do an escape key work.

If using gs:text-pane, I can do. But it may request a focused InputBox.

And I have not learned the usage of gs:key-event, yet

If you do not like it, I will improve it.

P.S. additionally, Back Button has a simple history of search.


Cool, thanks johu! Seems to work nicely. :-)
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


Sorry, Back-Button version has bug.

Search-button without search word enables Back Button.

Corrected version is here:">//