Dragonfly 0.51 Released!

Started by itistoday, November 16, 2009, 12:35:07 PM

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The latest version includes these changes:

 * added redirection script when running the built-in newLISP server
  * changed recommendations to run ./newlispServer
  * added newlispServerWin.bat file provided by m35
  * support for PHP-like multi-params by appending [] to the var name
  * added documentation for $GET/$POST/$FILES and multiparams to guide
  * updated the RSS feed on the example-site for 0.50

You can grab the latest version from Google Code:


http://www.rundragonfly.com">//http://www.rundragonfly.com has been updated too.

Thanks to m35 and Kirill for providing contributions to this release!
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


All went well and the general awesomeness continues! Thanks again.

I'm still thinking about the business of upgrading from older releases of the framework. When a new release comes along, such as 0.51, I want to incorporate all the new things and fixes that you guys have produced, without overwriting any of the work that I've done on the code and customizations on this side. I'd be tempted to copy over the /dragonfly-framework folder in its entirety, but that's not a good idea because the disposition of the plugins-(in)active folders are different in the example-site folder. Also, there are two plugins in my version which I don't want to be overwritten, one because you don't have it, and the other because I have a later version.

Similarly: I've modified /include/css/screen.css. Perhaps I should have renamed it first?

I wrote a script that compared the two directories (the example-site and my site) to produce a list of files that are both newer and different in the new release. (Some 'newer' files in the release are actually identical just more recently stamped).


I wouldn't recommend trying to rename your own files to something else, leave them as they are.

The important stuff that you want are the 3 files mentioned in the Getting Started guide.

If you don't want to manually drag & drop files you can use a tool like 'rsync' to update your copy of the dragonfly-framework folder with the one from the zip file without overriding any your plugins. For that however I'll refer you to rsync's man page.
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


Running the example-site on Windows and clicking on the code link gives an error...

QuoteWe're sorry, but something went wrong.

ERR: invalid function in function set : (parse-date (lookup 'updated entry) "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

called from user defined function Dragonfly:read-atom-feed

called from user defined function Dragonfly:eval-template

called from user defined function Route.Static:run

called from user defined function Dragonfly:listener

called from user defined function run

From the newLISP manual, parse-date:

http://www.newlisp.org/downloads/newlisp_manual.html#parse-date">http://www.newlisp.org/downloads/newlis ... parse-date">http://www.newlisp.org/downloads/newlisp_manual.html#parse-date

This function is not available on Win32 platforms.

-- xytroxon
\"Many computers can print only capital letters, so we shall not use lowercase letters.\"

-- Let\'s Talk Lisp (c) 1976


Interesting, thanks for pointing that out. I think the parsing of the atom feed should be done on the client side via javascript/ajax anyway, but 'parse-date' is a pretty useful function, odd that it's not supported for windows. Any chance of that Lutz?
Get your Objective newLISP groove on.


The underlying POSIX function strptime() is not available on MS Windows. Strangely the complement strftime() function is available and used in 'date' formatting.  Both are rather complex locale sensitive functions.

Use something like the following and extend it to hours/minutes/seconds:

(find {(dddd)-(dd)-(dd)} "2009-11-20" 0)
(apply date-value (map int (list $1 $2 $3))) => 1258675200

(parse-date "2009-11-20" "%Y-%m-%d") => 1258675200


PHP also does not support Windows for strptime and related functions:


-- xytroxon
\"Many computers can print only capital letters, so we shall not use lowercase letters.\"

-- Let\'s Talk Lisp (c) 1976


Counting 98 downloads today! :-)

I've just checked the stats and there are already some other sites running Dragonfly, although I don't know what to do with women clothes ;-)




Other interesting stats:

58% use of Macintosh

29% use of Windows

10% use of Linux

96% are using resolutions wider than 1280px


--()o Dragonfly web framework for newLISP



Quote from: "hilti"[although I don't know what to do with women clothes ;-)

Haven't tested this code yet, but it might get you going:

    ((and (= wearer-of-clothes you)
          (in-public? no))
                    (amb (take-them-off) (keep-them-on)))
    ((and (= wearer-of-clothes you)
          (in-public? yes))
    ((and (!= wearer-of-clothes you)
          (permission-from? wearer)
          (in-public? no))


By the way - did you sort out your nldb issues - or have you gone over to sqlite?
