kneejerk newbie question

Started by tom, July 14, 2004, 03:36:31 PM

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Hi guys,

with both newlisp wiki and blog, with each directory under apache's document root, I get a plain text version of index.cgi.  Do I have to configure apache in some way?

Everything works under the newlisp httpd server...



yes, you have to configure apache to use the cgi extension for scripts

---- from apache httpd.conf ---------------

# To use CGI scripts:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl


mine enables perl .pl and .cgi files for scripts (newlisp in my case). The first line in every scrpt file must point to the right program, i.e.:


also make sure that all cgi files have executable permission, typically you do:

chmod 755 *.cgi

to get:


for all cgi files

On unix also make sure that all lines in the scripts are terminated with line feeds only not carriagereturn-linefeed as on Windows. All files are shipped correctly for Linux/Unix and should run on both.



thanks, I should have known better.  I've always executed cgi's the ScriptAlias directory.  Oh, I also needed to add


to the options line.

I'm brand new to newlisp.  I'll try to think just a little before I post!


Thanks again.


>>> I'm brand new to newlisp.

Welcome to the group Tom, everybody was a newbee to newLISP at one time, that's why it's called 'new'(bee)LISP ;), but I think your problem is rather a Apache config task, let us know how it goes.



I'm up and running. :-)

the two tweaks to httpd.conf, plus fixing a dependancy problem (easy fix) did the trick.