colon in text file causes hiccups

Started by JohnE, February 16, 2009, 07:25:33 AM

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What am I doing wrong here?   I saved this very short program as 'test.lsp':

(set 'infile (open (main-args 2) "r"))

(print (read-line infile) "n")

(close infile)

It is in a directory with this very short file called 'test.txt':


If I run this on the Windows console command line:

newlisp test.lsp test.txt

I get:


ERR: symbol expected : "a_label:"

and am back in the command console.

If I change test.txt to:


It opens the file, prints 'a_label', and leaves me in newlisp, where I should be.

What is that colon doing?


(Oops, edited, because in the original posting I left out the 'a_label:' which atually gets printed)


Me again already.

If test.lsp is reduced to:

(set 'infile (open (main-args 2) "r"))

(close infile)

Then I still get the result:

ERR: symbol expected : "a_label:"

And back into the command line.

Seems like newLISP is reading the contents of the file without being asked. :(

I know it must be me, it always is.  I've missed something.  

Regards, John


this is what happens after executing on the command-line

newlisp test.lsp test.txt

newLISP loads test.lsp and executes it, which loads test.txt. Because test.lsp does not exit, newLISP tries to load text.txt as a program and tries to evaluate the string "a_label:". Because the ":" is syntax in newLISP awaiting a symbol after it.

Put and (exit) statement at the end of test.lsp and everything will be fine ;-)


Thanks Lutz, much obliged.  I knew it was me (so I got that bit right).

A lesson soundly learned.

Regards,  John