Shutdown of

Started by Fanda, January 05, 2009, 02:52:01 PM

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Dear newLISPers!

Website"> will be shut down on Jan 10th 2009.

Please, download and save anything dear to your heart. Take anything you might find useful:">">">

Sorry for broken links...

Feel free to ask me on this forum (using private message), if you miss/need something from my website.

Many happy moments with newLISP in year 2009!

Greetings, Frantisek


Hi Fanda, thanks for the heads-up... I liked your site, although it never expanded on its initial promise... Are you moving to a new location?

Thanks for your newLISP contributions over the last few years.... I hope your Clojure experiences are fulfilling too!


Hello Cormullion, yes, vision was intricate :-)

There is definitely more stuff that I would like to share, but next time I might just use something premanufactured instead of building it from scratch. Time and other resources are needed for my other hobbies as well. I might eventually create a new website with easier to remember (and spell) name. I just can't resist to share and play :-)

One of the last things I used newLISP for is this website (in Czech only):">

It has only static pages. I created a basic template, menu and corresponding content and just used script to generate the pages. It works flawlessly and I couldn't do it so elegantly or so fast without newLISP.

Yes, Clojure is my next pet language. I would like to move into JVM world. I am dreaming up some nice applications. Anyway, newLISP stays in my toolbox.

Just to tease you little bit about Clojure, look at Clojure Series at WRITING/CODING. I guess you share some interests with Eric:"> ... tents.html">

Take care, Fanda


Aaa pitty..hope you still will visit here and dont drop newlisp for good....

we will miss your inventive creations!..

enjoy the next programming road...

-- (define? (Cornflakes))