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Started by Kazimir Majorinc, February 14, 2009, 10:15:01 AM

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Kazimir Majorinc

In the first post on his blog Rene Ghosh introduces himself as Clojure and Newlisp user.">\">WWW site;\">blog.


An interesting post, but that's just one man more.

Well, if we want a real growth in newlisp use, then newlisp MUST be announced on">

Then the situation will change forever: it's probably the central depository of open-source software, and visibility at that resource is absolutely indispensable.


Project data for newLISP and an initial announcement have been submitted but it goes through a verification process first.

Kazimir Majorinc

Freshmeat appears to be less popular than Sourceforge and Newlisp is already there, so I wouldn't expect revolutionary increase of popularity, but it cannot hurt for sure.">Google trends">Alexa\">WWW site;\">blog.


Freshmeat is teh largest open source depository on the whole web

sourceforge is unreadable - or, let's say, was unbrowsable and is only in the process of changing that (or at least that is my impression), while "freshmeat" daily "newsreel" is excellent and is read by thousands.

Sourceforge deals only with projects it itself hosts, while Freshmeat announcements concern any software wherever its home page lives.

Sourceforge does not (as far as I remember) re-announce each update in teh project, while people using Freshmeat as a rule do exactly that.

And basically, a huge percentage of projects hosted on sourceforge is actually advertised through freshmeat. I know because I made it a daily routine to read the day's portion of freshmeat announcements  - to keep up with what is going on in the Open Source world, and have been doing it, well, maybe for 10 years or so.

There are quite a lot of insignificant scribbles there, yes, but ALL the MAJOR ones are announced on freshmeat.  This daily reading allows me to surprise people in conversations - e.g. recently I spoke with an IT manager in film industry who paid a lot of money for a custom Sun solution for a film digitization and storage problem, who (to give one example) was unaware that open source PKI software exists.

Regular reading of freshmeat gives you an enourmous power to construct solutions from components rather that writing them from scratch or blindly following commercial boasting and self-ingratiations (I still remember a catalogue of  avoidance techniques some representative, also from Sun, displayed when I was asking him for performance figures of their "corporate mail" product, as compared to well-known open-source MTAs like postfix or qmail.)

So freshmeat does make sense, in my view. Sourceforge is just a storage facility, as far as I am concerned

P.S. and as any political manipulator knows, if you repeat it, they'll remember and believe you.

So the better tactic is to repost the announcement with the tucked very short "Changes" at every tiniest change in the documentation and at every minor version upgrade.  This will maximize the impact.

P.P.S. ...not mentioning the fact that both sourceforge and freshmeat now belong to the same corporation (they have that interesting regime in the US when any company, if it grows to a certain degree of visibility must be incorporated in which process the ownership/governance changes hands and passes to the "big guys",  the banker's capital, to simplify a lot - in spite of the usual pretence of "private ownership" by many small guys etc. It has happened with the open source depositories now, too. )

Kazimir Majorinc

OK, so here it is:"> ... _id=294155">\">WWW site;\">blog.


So by now the stats are:

Record hits: 360

   URL hits: 219

   Subscribers: 1

That's not bad numbers for an exposure on the slowest day of the week, a Sunday.

If Lutz keeps a counter of downloads on his web site, it would be interesting to see how many downloads that resulted in

... and the thing now is to repeat the process as often as is possible - whenever any changes happen, a minimally modified entry (with only "Cnanges" section renewed) should be resubmited. And preferrably on a tuesday-wednesday, which are the fastest days of the week, judging from a general attendance stats of social etc. websites.


Traffic on has doubled compared to a typical Sunday. Downloads almost tripled.

ps: "... preferrably on a tuesday-wednesday ..." thanks for the tip :)



Actually, it's

   Record hits: 615

   URL hits: 295

   Subscribers: 2

overall now