eePC Asus installation

Started by ale870, July 27, 2008, 02:52:20 PM

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I was trying a new Asus model: eePC 900. I really like it. It is equiped with Linux Xandros, and it well fits in that mini computer.

Obviously, after some tests I tried to install "debian" version of newLisp in that PC.

The problem was such Xandros version does not contain glibc 2.4, and it seems there are some problems for its installation.

Can you suggest me another way to...

1) take that library and install it;

2) or... do not use that library and use something else.

3) or... ????

Thank you for your help (I think newLisp in eePC for installation or configuration could be a very interesting target).

Thank you!


Download newlisp-9.4.4.tgz and put it into your home directory. Then execute the following in a terminal window to build newLISP yourself:

sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential
sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev

tar xzvf newlisp-9.4.4.tgz
cd newlisp-9.4.4
make debian
sudo make install

The first two lines get and install stuff for compiling from the internet. The last four lines then extract, build and install newLISP for debian Linux. For a minimum install, just move the executable file: newlisp into /usr/bin after the build.


Thank you!

I will try it and I will inform you about the results!

If it works I will publish it in my blog, and I think this will be another success story about newLisp!  :-)