Tic Tac Toe solutions in newlisp

Started by duncanbojangles, May 06, 2008, 01:36:47 PM

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Hello. I've played with Scheme before coming to newlisp and to test out newlisp I wrote a program to find all the possible moves in a 3x3 tic tac toe game in a mostly functional manner. In an effort to learn more about newlisp I was wondering if anyone had any other tic tac toe or similar solvers written in a different style.

If anyone wants, I can post the code I have to this thread. Also, I stored the moves in a giant nested list, where each nest of the list represents all the possible next moves of the parent list.

        (child child))
            (child child child))

There's a little more to it, but that's the gist of it. The file that contains this list is 14 megabytes!


Hi there! Hope you're enjoying newLISP.

It could be an interesting challenge - perhaps I'll take you up on it soon. I haven't done TicTacToe, but I did do a basic version of Othello/Reversi, which isn't a million miles away from TTT:


Although I'm not sure that calculating every possible move is desirable... (he said provocatively) :)


Yes, but it is kind of ugly (but it works). I tried to do something with AI but this was before the (bayes) stuff entered the language. Anyway for your reference:

