pop and find

Started by newdep, May 07, 2008, 09:31:27 AM

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Hi Lutz,

I could be wrong that pop and find worked together previously...?

seems they don't, or was this realy always the case?

(set 'a '( "ab"))

(pop a (find "de" a))

ERR: missing argument

..that because 'find returned 'nil

PS: missing argument is somewhat strange here.. as 'nil is an argument

but not an index.
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Actualy i have the same with =>

> (set 'a '( "a" "b" "c" "a"))

("a" "b" "c" "a")

>(pop a (ref "Z" a))

ERR: missing argument


I dont understand this, according to the manual list-indexes should

be possible together with 'ref.. Now i always need to check if 'ref isnt 'nil

and cant nest them anymore..

I know the ERR: was introduced someway back...

but Im a true? empty? nil? checking programmer..

(Time to assimilate with the consortium :-)

PS: Would be nice to have a summery in the manual that

displays in an Eye blink What functions return 'nil , '() or ERR: on errors..
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


You cannot use an empty list () as an index, there has to be at least one number in it. Nothing has changed here, it always gave an error.


oke...good ;-) I though it was the Sun that hit me ;-)

I find myself more and more using  (and )  &  (or ) inside

newlisp, I almost dont use any begin, unless, if, when,  anymore..

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? basicly it all comes back to 0 or 1..

But programming in the (and ) & (or ) mode is pretty specific and needs

to be secured..but the code looks very very very clean and readable! ;-)
-- (define? (Cornflakes))