Newlisp prompt enhancement

Started by newdep, July 20, 2004, 12:25:19 PM

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Hello Lutz,

As for the linux users we could enhance the prompt a little

for the users when in prompt mode.

Like we have (trace-highlight) for tracing i was thinking

of a (prompt-highlight). enhances the ">" whith a colour or

even with a time-prompt or whatever function is possible in

the prompt...

-- (define? (Cornflakes))


Ill give it another try..

Lutz, is it possible to give the default prompt "> " a color?


For all those linux-console users it would just cheer it up more..(just a tweak ;-)

I dont get it working from here seems snprintf does not handle ANSI by default?
-- (define? (Cornflakes))


here it is ... though? could trace-highlight be used to set it?


        snprintf(string, 31, "%s %d> ", context, recursionCount);


/*      snprintf(string, 31, "%s> ", context ); */

        snprintf(string, 31, "33[1;36m%s33[1;33m> 33[0m", context);
-- (define? (Cornflakes))