Unify the builtins list actoss platforms?

Started by Cyril, January 19, 2008, 03:26:56 AM

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Newlisp comes with a bunch of different flavors (unix and windows, ascii and unicode), and they all have a slightly different set of functions built in. For example, windows version lacks 'fork', non-unicode versions lack 'unicode'. I've woke up in horror when I've realized that I've put into my Vim syntax file the functions list from non-unicode windows version, therefore neither 'fork' nor 'unicode' are highlighted. And I don't know how many others I have missed.

May be it is a good idea to make the same list of standard functions defined across all versions of newlisp, and let them fail with error "not implemented" (instead of "invalid function") when called on a wrong platform?

And, if this suggestion is refused: where can I obtain a full list of all functions defined in all different platforms and flavors? I believe that updating the Vim syntax file with this list before 9.3 is released (and include the updated version in 9.3) is a Good Thing. No other changes are planned, so chances to break something are minimal.
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!


Here is a list of differences:


but I am not sure if it is complete, I started it some time ago but never got around to finish and publish it.

To find out all keywords in newlisp use: (symbols)

The keywords not available on Win32 are: fork, net-ping, parse-date, peek, wait-pid



Quote from: "Lutz"To find out all keywords in newlisp use: (symbols)

The list of keywords used in my Vim plugin is based on (symbols), and therefore it lacks unix-specific functions! I have just forgot to add them! And, by the way, you have not listed unicode-specific stuff.

But I have forgot my favorite "Use the source, Luke!" slogan. Now I have downloaded sources tarball and have extracted all the functions from "primes.h"  file ($-variables added manually). Updated "newlisp.vim" is written already and  being tested now. I will upload it to the usual place in a few hours.
With newLISP you can grow your lists from the right side!