gah. tongue tied...

Started by tom, July 25, 2006, 05:44:35 PM

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Howdy guys,

I just mentioned newlisp over at the arch linux

forums. One guy fails to see the point of newlisp

because you can already do "most of that stuff" with

lisp or scheme.  I just don't know how to respond.  I

mean, this comes up all the time, right?  I'm tempted

to simply say that newlisp is not really trying to be

lisp or scheme, the three can coexist, and newlisp

stands up on its own merits.


In my experience, people's open-mindedness varies inversely with their readiness to argue with you. So I don't think it's worth trying to persuade people who aren't open to new things... The open-minded people will try new things for themselves if they're interested.

However I'm not a salesman - perhaps a salesman for newLISP would have to be more aggressive or persuasive than this!

Technical people are sometimes more impressed with actual code than with general comments and claims. On some mailing lists, I just contribute a newLISP solution: people can then say "wow that's neat" or "too many parentheses" and make their own mind up.

m i c h a e l

I agree with what cormullion has said here. I just wanted to add the response Melissa (my wife) gave after we read Tom's post: "newLISP is a scripting language. LISP and Scheme aren't."

m i c h a e l