net-eval - segmentation fault

Started by newdep, July 12, 2006, 09:12:26 AM

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(1) If a net-eval is performed on a tcp port which closes by itself

     then a segmentation fault occeurs.

Tested on Linux 8.8.0 and 8.9.0

Example ->

>  (net-eval '(  ( "localhost" 1 "(+ 1 1)" )) 5000)

((4 "ERR: Connection failed"))

>  (net-eval '(  ( "" 22 "(+ 1 1)" )) 5000)


>  (net-eval '(  ( "" 8888 "(+ 1 1)" )) 5000)

Segmentation fault

Although Im not quite sure what it going here with net-eval..


-- (define? (Cornflakes))


How do you run the server is it newlisp directly with newlisp -c -d <portno> or are you running as an inetd or xinetd service with newLISP? And how does the remote port closure occur?
