$(CC) $(OBJS) -m64 -o newlisp -static -Wl,-Bstatic -lm -lc
strip newlisp
(print (replace ....))
then the string will be printed without extras before double-quotes, but the interactive output coming after will still show the string with that meta-character wrapping.> (println "\"")
The first line is what the println function prints (which is the "raw" string content with a newline added at end), and the second line is the interactive output of the value returned by the println function (the same string but with meta-characters to make it be the character sequence the input reader would need). (set 'a (exec "python3 go.py"))
(set 'b (a 0))
(replace "\'" b "\"")
"{\"symbol\": \"BURT/USDT\", \"timestamp\": None, \"datetime\": None, \"high\": 0.002463, \"low\": 0.001605, \"bid\": None, \"bidVolume\": 1731397.09898224, \"ask\": None, \"askVolume\": 2732456.21823022, \"vwap\": None, \"open\": 0.002136, \"close\": 0.002051, \"last\": 0.002051, \"previousClose\": None, \"change\": -8.5e-05, \"percentage\": -3.9794007490636703, \"average\": 0.002093, \"baseVolume\": 10255192.67905658, \"quoteVolume\": None, \"markPrice\": None, \"indexPrice\": None, \"info\": {\"close\": \"0.002051\", \"high\": \"0.002463\", \"last\": \"0.002051\", \"low\": \"0.001605\", \"market\": \"BURTUSDT\", \"open\": \"0.002136\", \"period\": \"86400\", \"value\": \"21214.1562025586145\", \"volume\": \"10255192.67905658\", \"volume_buy\": \"1731397.09898224\", \"volume_sell\": \"2732456.21823022\"}}"
(setf ACTIONS '(
(87 up) (119 up)
(65 left) (97 left)
(85 down) (115 down)
(68 right) (100 right)
(48 exit) ; "0" --> quit the game
(if (lookup (setf key (read-key)) ACTIONS) (apply $it)
(println "Wrong key.") (setq key-error true))
("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731440509530, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:41:49.530Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00303488, 'close': 0.00246695, 'last': 0.00246695, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00056793, 'percentage': -18.71, 'average': 0.00275091, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281487.40662491, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731440509530', 'cv': '-0.00056793', 'cr': '-0.1871', 'o': '0.00303488', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00246695', 'q': '97965253', 'v': '281487.40662491'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}")
{"symbol": "BURT/USDT", "timestamp": 1731440509530, "datetime": "2024-11-12T19:41:49.530Z", "high": 0.00353408, "low": 0.00208606, "bid": null, "bidVolume": null, "ask": null, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": 0.00303488, "close": 0.00246695, "last": 0.00246695, "previousClose": null, "change": -0.00056793, "percentage": -18.71, "average": 0.00275091, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 281487.40662491, "info": {"s": "burt_usdt", "t": "1731440509530", "cv": "-0.00056793", "cr": "-0.1871", "o": "0.00303488", "l": "0.00208606", "h": "0.00353408", "c": "0.00246695", "q": "97965253", "v": "281487.40662491"}, "indexPrice": null, "markPrice": null}
(set 'a '("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731439797068, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:29:57.068Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00294771, 'close': 0.00248834, 'last': 0.00248834, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00045937, 'percentage': -15.58, 'average': 0.00271802, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281817.75855221, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731439797068', 'cv': '-0.00045937', 'cr': '-0.1558', 'o': '0.00294771', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00248834', 'q': '97998750', 'v': '281817.75855221'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}"))
(replace "\'" a "\"") ; gave the below with no changes
("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731439797068, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:29:57.068Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00294771, 'close': 0.00248834, 'last': 0.00248834, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00045937, 'percentage': -15.58, 'average': 0.00271802, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281817.75855221, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731439797068', 'cv': '-0.00045937', 'cr': '-0.1558', 'o': '0.00294771', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00248834', 'q': '97998750', 'v': '281817.75855221'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}")