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newLISP in the real world / Re: How to compile static sing...
Last post by vetelko - January 17, 2025, 12:04:23 AM
Thank you rrq .. will try it :)
newLISP in the real world / Re: How to compile static sing...
Last post by rrq - January 15, 2025, 02:22:19 AM
The steps I take are basically to
1. first create the makefile_build the normal way and then
2. copy that to a makefile_static file which I hand-edit:
3. remove -DFFI -DREADLINE (see below) from the CFLAGS setup
4. change the "default:" target action to be the two steps
  $(CC) $(OBJS) -m64 -o newlisp -static -Wl,-Bstatic -lm -lc
  strip newlisp

That's with gcc on a linux amd64 (devuan). I've got libc.a and libm.a from the libc6-dev package, and I don't include the FFI and READLINE options for it. Thoug I think you can find .a libraries for them too (libreadline-dev and libffi-dev packages)

EDIT: digging up that old project, I realized it needed musl-gcc as well; gcc doesn't seem to be capable of static binaries.

EDIT: maybe I confused myself; it seems gcc does it well too, and then you may also include ffi and readline (+termcap).
newLISP in the real world / How to compile static single f...
Last post by vetelko - January 15, 2025, 01:51:33 AM
Hi guys, can anyone help me out? Is it possible to compile newlisp statically so I don't have to copy all dependency libraries from /usr/lib/... into the chroot? I need single big fat binary :)

I think Ted Walther mentioned in one of his posts that he managed to do it on OpenBSD (which is also my system). But he doesn't explain how :)
newLISP in the real world / Re: replace help
Last post by joejoe - November 14, 2024, 04:49:02 PM
Ok roger that, rrq.

I did not realize the interactive mode would display differently.

And thanks for the println tip, makes it much prettier.

Thanks again for clarification and detailed explanation!

Much appreciated.
newLISP in the real world / Re: replace help
Last post by rrq - November 13, 2024, 04:38:35 PM
Yes it can be a bit confusing. The string returned by replace does have single-quotes replaced by double-quotes, but the interactive result output presents the double-quotes prefixed by backslash.

Thus, when the string has a double quote, the result printing of that string shows \" so as to indicated that the double-quote is not ending the string. Likewise, the result printing adds the double-quotes before and after printing the string content, and those double-quotes are not characters in the string.

If you make it be
(print (replace ....))then the string will be printed without extras before double-quotes, but the interactive output coming after will still show the string with that meta-character wrapping.

In short, a string of a single double-quote characters is written "\"", and it will be taken as such if input and printed as such by the interactive output. The print function doesn't add meta-characters. Here's an illustration example:
> (println "\"")
The first line is what the println function prints (which is the "raw" string content with a newline added at end), and the second line is the interactive output of the value returned by the println function (the same string but with meta-characters to make it be the character sequence the input reader would need).
newLISP in the real world / Re: replace help
Last post by joejoe - November 13, 2024, 10:04:40 AM
Side note, I managed to get a json output from the python file, which feeds nicely into

Of course, I am still curious how I should correctly swap the ' for a " in the
replace function.
newLISP in the real world / Re: replace help
Last post by joejoe - November 13, 2024, 09:49:59 AM
Thanks Ralph,

I am using this to get data from a python script:

(set 'a (exec "python3"))
So when it arrives to my nL script, it is a string inside of a list.

With your suggestion, I managed to get it to the string with this:

(set 'b (a 0))
and can then run this:

(replace "\'" b "\"")
Which returns this:

"{\"symbol\": \"BURT/USDT\", \"timestamp\": None, \"datetime\": None, \"high\": 0.002463, \"low\": 0.001605, \"bid\": None, \"bidVolume\": 1731397.09898224, \"ask\": None, \"askVolume\": 2732456.21823022, \"vwap\": None, \"open\": 0.002136, \"close\": 0.002051, \"last\": 0.002051, \"previousClose\": None, \"change\": -8.5e-05, \"percentage\": -3.9794007490636703, \"average\": 0.002093, \"baseVolume\": 10255192.67905658, \"quoteVolume\": None, \"markPrice\": None, \"indexPrice\": None, \"info\": {\"close\": \"0.002051\", \"high\": \"0.002463\", \"last\": \"0.002051\", \"low\": \"0.001605\", \"market\": \"BURTUSDT\", \"open\": \"0.002136\", \"period\": \"86400\", \"value\": \"21214.1562025586145\", \"volume\": \"10255192.67905658\", \"volume_buy\": \"1731397.09898224\", \"volume_sell\": \"2732456.21823022\"}}"
Is there an way to keep the "\" from appearing, as I was trying to escape the middle " ?

Much appreciated again!
So, what can you actually DO with newLISP? / Re: Minimalistic 2048
Last post by rrq - November 12, 2024, 05:14:52 PM
Fun :)

May I also suggest that you lift out the command key dispatch as a key-action association list between key and action. Eg

(setf ACTIONS '(
    (87 up)    (119 up)
    (65 left)  (97  left)
    (85 down)  (115 down)
    (68 right) (100 right)
    (48 exit) ; "0" --> quit the game

The "case" statement would be replaced by something like the following "if" statement:

(if (lookup (setf key (read-key)) ACTIONS) (apply $it)
    (println "Wrong key.") (setq key-error true))

That would open it up slightly for easier change of command keys.
newLISP in the real world / Re: replace help
Last post by rrq - November 12, 2024, 04:35:25 PM
So 'a gets set to a list of a string ? Did you mean to set it to the string rather? like
(set 'a "{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', ... 'markPrice': None}")
newLISP in the real world / replace help
Last post by joejoe - November 12, 2024, 12:04:58 PM
Hi and thanks for guidance!

I am trying to format this into valid json so I can json-parse it:

("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731440509530, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:41:49.530Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00303488, 'close': 0.00246695, 'last': 0.00246695, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00056793, 'percentage': -18.71, 'average': 0.00275091, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281487.40662491, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731440509530', 'cv': '-0.00056793', 'cr': '-0.1871', 'o': '0.00303488', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00246695', 'q': '97965253', 'v': '281487.40662491'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}")
From what I understand, I have to change the single quotes to double quotes and change None to null, in order for it to be valid json, below, which validates as correct json:

{"symbol": "BURT/USDT", "timestamp": 1731440509530, "datetime": "2024-11-12T19:41:49.530Z", "high": 0.00353408, "low": 0.00208606, "bid": null, "bidVolume": null, "ask": null, "askVolume": null, "vwap": null, "open": 0.00303488, "close": 0.00246695, "last": 0.00246695, "previousClose": null, "change": -0.00056793, "percentage": -18.71, "average": 0.00275091, "baseVolume": null, "quoteVolume": 281487.40662491, "info": {"s": "burt_usdt", "t": "1731440509530", "cv": "-0.00056793", "cr": "-0.1871", "o": "0.00303488", "l": "0.00208606", "h": "0.00353408", "c": "0.00246695", "q": "97965253", "v": "281487.40662491"}, "indexPrice": null, "markPrice": null}
Here is what I tried:

(set 'a '("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731439797068, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:29:57.068Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00294771, 'close': 0.00248834, 'last': 0.00248834, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00045937, 'percentage': -15.58, 'average': 0.00271802, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281817.75855221, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731439797068', 'cv': '-0.00045937', 'cr': '-0.1558', 'o': '0.00294771', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00248834', 'q': '97998750', 'v': '281817.75855221'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}"))

(replace "\'" a "\"")  ; gave the below with no changes

("{'symbol': 'BURT/USDT', 'timestamp': 1731439797068, 'datetime': '2024-11-12T19:29:57.068Z', 'high': 0.00353408, 'low': 0.00208606, 'bid': None, 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': None, 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': 0.00294771, 'close': 0.00248834, 'last': 0.00248834, 'previousClose': None, 'change': -0.00045937, 'percentage': -15.58, 'average': 0.00271802, 'baseVolume': None, 'quoteVolume': 281817.75855221, 'info': {'s': 'burt_usdt', 't': '1731439797068', 'cv': '-0.00045937', 'cr': '-0.1558', 'o': '0.00294771', 'l': '0.00208606', 'h': '0.00353408', 'c': '0.00248834', 'q': '97998750', 'v': '281817.75855221'}, 'indexPrice': None, 'markPrice': None}")

Do I need to use regex for this or what would be the best approach to take? Thanks very much!