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Messages - jazper

newLISP and the O.S. / Re: Windows install
May 27, 2013, 02:24:38 AM
QuoteJava, ptoo! Blech! :)

Well, rickboy, you got a laugh out of me there.  I do like Emacs on my Ubuntu machine, though am not particularly good at using it, yet.  What you say makes perfect sense, of course, except that the last time I tried installing Emacs on Windows was only slightly better than waiting for the dentist to open on Monday after toothache for the whole weekend.  

I will give it another try.
newLISP and the O.S. / Re: Windows install
May 24, 2013, 04:17:46 AM
Just another question on this:

I'm not familiar with the Newlisp HTML IDE.  Would that be an option?  In other words, would that allow me to side-step java?
newLISP and the O.S. / Re: Windows install
May 24, 2013, 04:15:40 AM
Sorry @rickyboy, that I never got a chance to reply.  Lutz's diagnosis is well reasoned, to do with Java.  I believe that's hit the nail on the head.  

Whether I can *do* anything about it is another question, if I am indeed up against permission problems.  Everyone loves to hate/hates to love Java these days, and sysads are at the head of that queue.

The next step - to remove C:Program Files (x86) is basically impossible - it would need wiping everything (that is to say, all 64 bit programs) on this pc, which is *all* programs on this pc, and then re-installing everything, preferably newLISP first.  The operative word is moron :) - as they joke in England,
Quotemoron my job is worth
since they have done two full installations for me in a week already, and I am not allowed access to the licences to reinstall everything myself.  Sigh.

Anyway. Thanks Lutz for the explanation:  I have been poring over newlisp-edit, trying to work out how and what it called, so you've saved me a lot of what would have been fruitless effort.  I will ask for help from a sysad, just in case they may be able to help, but I sure as hell am going to leave that to a day like Tuesday or Wednesday.  They are rather unapproachable on Mondays and Fridays!
newLISP and the O.S. / Re: Windows install
May 23, 2013, 04:13:50 AM
Java 7 update 21 breaks my newLISP install :(
Ok, so my work PC crashed and burned, and I now have a newer one.  It had an older version of Java on it - Java 7, update 1.  I installed newLISP on the machine with that old java, and it worked fine.

Then, I updated to the latest,Java 7, update 21, and the problem returned.  

Does anyone know of a way to install an older JRE, so that I can get it back?
Well, I am beat.  

First I uninstalled Java.  Then I rebooted.  Then I uninstalled newLISP.  Rebooted.  Re-installed (Java 7 update 21, which was what was on offer from Oracle), rebooted.  Re-installed newLISP.

Still get the same error.  

Well, at least I have it at home on both Win 7 and Ubuntu.  I am just sorry I can no longer use it at work.

Will keep watching here in case someone finds a fix that really works - there's too much work on my plate to fiddle with stuff like this.
newLISP and the O.S. / Re: Windows install
May 07, 2013, 03:28:26 AM
Thanks for all the quick responses.  After another few attempts, including installing in C:Program Files rather than the (x86) equivalent (because I found java in C:Program Files, but not in the other, though I doubt that made any difference), I am back to where I started.

I still get the same error when running newlisp newlisp-edit.lsp - the IDE loads, but immediately gives the error message, as it does whatever I load and try to run.  Loading from the Desktop shortcut does the same thing, as does loading from the Start Menu.

However, the demos run:newlisp [demo_name]-demo.lspfrom Command Prompt.  They just won't run from the IDE itself.  There must be some config error somewhere, but I can't find it.  All the "env" tests work fine, producing predictable results: they appear correct.  I guess I should make some change to newlisp-edit.lsp - will have to come back to that ...
newLISP and the O.S. / Windows install
May 06, 2013, 01:39:07 AM
Hello all

Have just re-installed newLISP (Win 7 pro 64 bit).  When I try running programs from the IDE, I get:

Could not start C:Program Files (x86)newlisp/newlisp.exe -C -w "C:UsersMyUserName"

I have java installed, and the IDE loads ok and loads files ok.  It just won't run them.  Will be grateful for any help.
I see I forgot some detail when thanking Lutz and xytotron:
  • 1. I am going to program the GET/POST from an Android phone game app.  

    2. For now I am using a very simple game just to test saving and retrieving scores.

    3.  The test game is written in Basic4Android - but it will be fun to try a rewrite in newLISP on Android once I have it all specced and done - by then I may have a better idea of what can and can't be done with newLISP on Android

    4. The scores are on my web site (currently developing that on my pc)

Thanks for all the inputs and help - I think I can make a start on this with all this guidance.  Much appreciated.
newLISP in the real world / "secret" save of game scores
February 13, 2013, 02:31:31 PM
I can't work out how to update and retrieve scores stored in a sqlite database on my web site.   A game on an Android phone needs to do this.  Is there some kind of "secret" way of doing this that bypasses the business of visibly logging on and clicking submit buttons?  My site has a database on it, and is written in newLISP.

People do this all the time, so I expect it must be doable with cgi and newLISP.  Any tips or pointers toward the approach will be much appreciated.
Apologies to all whom I involved in this, when it was caused by nothing more than my ignorance of (set-locale).
I am Sheerluck still, not Clouseau.
(set-locale "en_ZA") did the trick.  Thanks again Cormullion.  I doubt I would have tumbled to that, notwithstanding all my hours spent RTFM.  That penny somehow never dropped :(
Thanks, Cormullion.  I did indeed overlook set-locale.  

So, fearlessly, Sheerluck will intrepidly try same out.  I'll report whether I turned out to be Inspector Clouseau instead.
In the end I had to have a go, and just to confirm:  Changing my language from English South Africa to English GB solved the problem.  Raw code copied from Cormullion's link worked without a hitch.  

This is a real problem for South African Ubuntu users.  Wikipedia notes (from the official government style guide) that the comma is "officially" used.  However, it is not actually used at all nowadays - I worked in a Treasury office for two years six years ago, and never saw a comma used as a decimal point.  I don't know what people are being taught in school.  

At least we can know now that if the newLISP user
  • lives in South Africa

    Uses Ubuntu

    with Ubuntu set to EN ZA

they will not get this (and probably any other Sqlite3 programs with float values) to insert values properly without changing things.

Somewhat sheepishly, I now recall that I solved this problem years ago, with exactly the same finding.  I doubt that I posted anything about it though.