Is there one hiding somewhere? I searched this Forum and the Home site w/o any luck.
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Show posts MenuContent-type' contains invalid characters, aborting requestQuote
(print "Content-type: text/htmlnn")
(print "<html>")
(print "<h4>CGI by newLISP v" (sys-info -2)" on " ostype "</h4>")
(dolist (e (env)) (println (e 0) " : " (e 1) "</br>"))
(println "</html>")
(println (main-args 2)) ;; works OK
(dolist (x (main-args))
(println $idx ":" x))
(dolist (x (main-args 2))
(set 'vowels '("a", "e", "i", "o", "u"))
;; define a function called pig-latin
(define (in-pig-latin this-word)
(set 'first-letter (first this-word))
(if (find first-letter vowels)
(append this-word "ay") ; concatenate word and "ay"
(append (slice this-word 1) first-letter "ay"))) ; concatenate
;; test the function
(println (in-pig-latin "red"))
(println (in-pig-latin "orange"))
(exit 0)
;; output is
;;Notes: the setf and setq function BROKE the code when I tried to use them
;; Why was that? When is setf and setq used in NL?
(set 'name "some_name")
(if (= name "dukester") (emailPerson))
((IB "Enter initial balance: ")
( AT "Enter transaction (- for withdrawal): ")
(FB "Your final balance is: ")
(dolist (s (var1 var2 var3 var4 var5))
(replace "<" s "<"))
sub some_function {
declare a local_var
if (some_test) { do something
return local_var}
if (some_other_test) { return something}
else {return 0}
(define (my_func)
(local (my_var)
(if (= "blah" my_var) (do this))
(if (= "blaah" some_var) (return_something_else))
(if none of the above are true (return nil))
(define (load_mod x)
(if (file? (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/modules/" x)) (print "Loading module: " x)
(throw-error "module does not exist")