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Messages - bugmagnet

Hmm ... (reading the friendly manual) ... eval-string would seem to be best approach, yes?
newLISP in the real world / NEWBIE-ish: data as code
March 17, 2013, 01:47:51 AM
It's been a few years since I last did anything with NewLISP. I ought to know the answer to this ...

Can I use data as code? Can I have the name of a function in a string variable and execute the contents of that variable as if it were the name of a function? For example:

(set 'f "even?")
(f 2.5)

As it stands, that'll give "e" because NewLISP will be thinking I want the 3rd character in the 'f variable. How do I get "even?" to execute against 2.5 (or am I hoping for too much)?

Kind regards,
