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Messages - sponsy

I bought into the idea of newLISP for scripting a few weeks ago and love it. I decided to tackle some project euler problems using newLISP, primarily so that I can learn the syntax and get familiar with the API.

That said, I won't purport that any of the solutions are optimal; only that they are beautifully terse. Experienced newLISPers will be quick to point out how horrible I might've done something, but this was a means to an end of learning the language. Repo for some solved problems here:">
Excellent, thanks! My eyes seemed to have skipped over that after bouncing around the wiki so frequently the last few days.
Hi :) I'm pretty new to newlisp, but I'm loving it so far for its quick scripting abilities-- I want to see if it can outdo Python for terseness.

What I can't seem to find an answer to: I want to execute multiple expressions within an if-statement branch without defining a separate function. So, when the if-statement below evaluates to true, I want to push the value 10 onto the list x, and in the same breath clear the list y (without defining separate function).

(set 'x '())
(set 'y '(1 2 3))

    (nil?) (push 10 x)) ; how can I also clear y here? (evaluate multiple expressions)

Probably an ignorant question, but I'm struggling to find a better way. Thanks!