I have OSX with newlisp 10.6.0 and newLISP-GS v.1.63 installed with homebrew.
I tried the button-demo.lsp from
The line
Code Select
(gs:set-color 'ColorPanel (random) (random) (random))
resulted in a message "Could not invoke method set-color with MAIN:ColorPanel" in a gui dialog.
Code Select
(println (random))
to the code printed something like:0,84018771715471
I could fix the problem by either setting the locale to "en_US" (from "de_DE.UTF-8") or by converting the random number to a string with "," replaced by ".":
Code Select
; use prandom instead of random:
(define (prandom)
(replace "," (string (random)) ".")
Shouldn't the locale be irrelevant as there's no output in button-demo.lsp?
What I mean is.. shouldn't the random float be just a value -- nothing that has comma or period when interpreting its value?
(Is there an implicit conversion to a string where the locale plays its role? Is that useful?)