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Messages - benbenjamin

haha... yes that is exactly what I was trying to do!. Many thanks.
I have written the following code, but I can not work out how to return the line that the match is found in.

(set 'wireshark "")

(set 'arptable (map (fn (x) (parse x " ")) (exec "arp -a")))

(define (cleanIPaddress x)
  (slice x 1 -1))

(define (cleanMACaddress x)
  (upper-case (join (slice (parse x ":") 0 3) ":")))

(define (addIPandMACaddress x)
  (list (cleanIPaddress (nth 1 x)) (cleanMACaddress (nth 3 x))))

(set 'arplist (map addIPandMACaddress arptable))

(set 'routerMAC (last (assoc (exec "ipconfig getoption en1 router") arplist)))

(find-all routerMAC (get-url wireshark))



so I know that the code "works"

but I would like to retrieve the full line of text

"20:AA:4B Cisco-Li # Cisco-Linksys, LLC"

so I can parse it into

( (exec "ipconfig getoption en1 router") "20:AA:4B" "Cisco-Li" "Cisco-Linksys")