So, perhaps it was just a glitch ...
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; ################################################################################
; #
; # Purpose:
; # - read a newLISP script xxx.lsp
; # - if there are LOAD functions (on the utter left of a line)
; # these will be replaced by the loaded MEMBER itself (INCLUDED)
; # - output will be written to xxx-i.lsp
; ################################################################################
(define (mainargs , osargs srch)
(setq osargs (main-args))
(setq srch (lower-case (osargs 0)))
(if (or (= srch "newlisp") (= srch "newlisp.exe"))
(2 osargs)
(1 osargs)))
(define (check-include line , incmem)
(setq line (lower-case (trim line)))
(if (!= (0 6 line) "(load ")
(setq imcmem nil)
(setq line (6 line))
(setq incmem ((parse line {"}) 1))))
(define (write-incmem incmem out , memfile)
(setq memfile (open incmem "read"))
(write-line out (append "; NLINC: member " incmem " included here") )
(while (read-line memfile)
(write-line out (current-line)))
(close memfile)
(define (pass , in out incmem extra-pass)
(setq in (open wf1 "read"))
(setq out (open wf2 "write"))
(setq extra-pass nil)
(println "NLINC: entering pass " (inc passnum) " ...")
(while (read-line in)
(setq line (current-line))
(setq incmem (check-include line))
(cond ((nil? incmem) (write-line out line))
((find incmem inclist) (write-line out (append "; " line)))
(push incmem inclist)
(write-incmem incmem out)
(setq extra-pass true))))
(close in)
(close out)
(define (nlinc , extra-pass scriptname script wf1 wf2 tmp)
(setq extra-pass true)
(setq scriptname ((mainargs) 0))
(setq script (append scriptname ".lsp"))
(setq wf1 (append scriptname "-i1.lsp"))
(setq wf2 (append scriptname "-i2.lsp"))
(setq scriptout (append scriptname "-i.lsp"))
(setq swapped nil)
(setq inclist '())
(setq passnum 0)
(setq tmp "")
(if (not (file? script))
(println "NLINC: you may only specify the name part of the script")
(println " without path and extension!")
(exit 999)))
(println {NLINC: processing started for script "} script {"})
(copy-file script wf1)
; Loop over the script and include
; If any script included, repeat until nothing included
; Avoid duplicate includes
(while extra-pass
(setq extra-pass (pass wf1 wf2))
(setq tmp wf2)
(setq wf2 wf1)
(setq wf1 tmp)
(if swapped
(setq swapped nil)
(setq swapped true)))
(delete-file scriptout)
(if swapped
(rename-file wf1 scriptout)
(delete-file wf2))
(rename-file wf1 scriptout)
(delete-file wf2))))
cd srcnewlisp
newlisp nlinc.lsp %1
newlisp -x %1-i.lsp %1.exe
move /y %1.exe e:scripts
del %1-i.lsp
(define (mainargs)
(letn (osargs (main-args)
(srch (lower-case (osargs 0))))
(if (or (= srch "newlisp") (= srch "newlisp.exe"))
(1 osargs)
(load "mainargs.lsp")
(define (showpath myargs)
(let (pathlist (parse (lower-case (env "PATH")) ";")
osargs (mainargs))
(dolist (line pathlist)
(if (> (length osargs) 1)
(if (not (nil? (find (lower-case (osargs 1)) line)))
(println line))
(println line)))))
(println "=====================================================")
(println "=====================================================")
(define (mainargs)Quote
(let (osargs (main-args))
(if (= (lower-case (osargs 0)) "newlisp")
(1 osargs))))
(load "mainargs.lsp")Quote
(define (showpath myargs)
(let (pathlist (parse (lower-case (env "PATH")) ";")
osargs (mainargs))
(println "===>" osargs (main-args))
(dolist (line pathlist)
(if (> (length osargs) 1)
(if (not (nil? (find (lower-case (osargs 1)) line)))
(println line))
(println line)))))
(println "=====================================================")
(println "=====================================================")