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#!/usr/bin/newlisp -n -c
(context 'pool)
(define (pool:pool task (poolSize 5) (syncDelay 50))
(while (> (length (sync)) poolSize)
(sync syncDelay))
(spawn 's (eval task)))
(define (pool:map task liste (poolSize 5) (syncDelay 50))
(let (size (- (length liste) 1)
out '())
; spawn processes
(for (i 0 size)
; Wait for availlable "slot" in pool
(while (>= (length (sync)) poolSize)
(sync syncDelay))
(spawn (sym i) (task (liste i))))
(sync 10000)
; get back values
(for (i 0 size)
(push (eval (sym i)) out -1))))
(context 'MAIN)
(define (test-func x)
(sleep (+ 5 (rand 100)))
(* x x))
"Map without pooling : "
(time (map test-func (sequence 1 100)))
"Pool map, default pool size : "
(time (pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100)))
"Pool:map, pool size = 50 : "
(time (pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100) 50))
"Just to check results : "
(pool:map test-func (sequence 1 100) 50))
"Pool:map on string : "
(join (pool:map (lambda (c) (upper-case c)) "A beautiful string") "") )
(set 'nThreads 503
'limit 500000
'channels '())
; The worker code
(define (worker id chanR chanW , r)
(while (< r limit)
(write-line chanW (string (+ 1 (set 'r (int (read-line chanR)))))))
(when (= r limit) (println "Done by id:" id))
; make communication channels
(dotimes (i nThreads) (push (pipe) channels))
; spawn workers
(dotimes (i nThreads)
(let ( id (+ i 1)
in (channels i 0)
out (channels (% (+ 1 i) nThreads) 1) )
(spawn 'p (worker id in out))))
(set 'start (time-of-day))
; put the token in the ring
(write-line ((channels 0) 1) "0")
; wait for threads end
(until (sync 10))
(println "Duration: " (- (time-of-day) start) "ms")
(set 'nThreads 503
'limit 500000
'channels '())
; worker do that
(define (worker id chanR chanW , r)
(while (set 'r (int (read-line chanR)))
(if (= r limit)
(throw id)
(write-line chanW (string (inc r)))))
; make communication channels
(for (i 0 nThreads) (push (pipe) channels -1))
; spawn workers
(for (i 0 nThreads)
(spawn 'p (worker (+ i 1)
((channels i) 0)
((channels (% (+ 1 i) nThreads)) 1) )) )
; start the process by giving the token to first thread
(write-line ((channels 0) 1) "0")
; wait for result
(while (not p) (sleep 100) (sync 1))
(println "DONE BY " p)
(define (heads l)
(unique (map first l))
(define (members l class)
(filter (fn (x) (= class (first x))) l)
(define (doit l)
(map (fn (c) (members l c)) (heads l))
(define-macro (with-events _todo_)
(let (_fun_ (string (_todo_ 0)) _res_ nil)
(eval (EVENTS-BEFORE _fun_))
(setf _res_ (eval _todo_))
(eval (EVENTS-AFTER _fun_))
> (event-before + (setf (_todo_ 2) 100))
> (with-events (+ 4 5 6))
> (event-after + (println "args : " (rest _todo_)))
> (with-events (+ 4 5 6))
args : (4 100 6)
(new Tree 'EVENTS-AFTER)
(define-macro (event-before target action)
(setf target (string target))
(unless (EVENTS-BEFORE target) (EVENTS-BEFORE target '(begin)) )
(extend (EVENTS-BEFORE target) (list action))
(define-macro (event-after target action)
(setf target (string target))
(unless (EVENTS-AFTER target) (EVENTS-AFTER target '(begin)) )
(extend (EVENTS-AFTER target) (list action))
(define-macro (with-events)
(let (_fun_ (string (args 0)) _res_ nil)
(eval (EVENTS-BEFORE _fun_))
(setf _res_ (eval $args))
(eval (EVENTS-AFTER _fun_))
;; for now, same as (+ 4 5 6)
> (with-events + 4 5 6)
;; add a new "before" add event
> (event-before + (println "will add something : " $args))
;; then an "after" event
> (event-after + (println "done!"))
;; then, if i call "+" with events :
> (with-events + 4 5 6)
will add something : (+ 4 5 6)
;; in my framework :
(define (output)
(with-events output-headers)
(with-events output-content)
;; in a session handling extension
(event-before output-headers (SESSION:save))
;; in a text formater extension
(event-before output-content (TYPOGRAPHIST:reformat-all))
;; somwhere else
(event-after output-content (LOGGER:do-something))