After trying the new version, I've found some bugs??:
1. `setf` redefines `nil` if the place argument is a non-existing `assoc`:
Code Select
(setf (assoc 'a '()) '(a 1))
nil # => (a 1)
By the way, is it possible to implicitly add an assoc if it does not exist?:
Code Select
(setq L '((a 1))) (setf (assoc 'b L) '(b 2)) L # should return ((b 2) (a 1))
(setq L '((a 1))) (setf (lookup 'b L) 2) L # should return ((b 2) (a 1))
2. It seems that `pretty-print`'s `str-fp-format` option also affects `string`:
Code Select
(pretty-print 80 " " "%1.3f")
(string 1.2) # => "1.200" instead of "1.2"