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Messages - mtvee

Thanks Lutz. It seemed things were configuring themselves that way but I thought I would check in case other movements were afoot. Make sense.

Congrats on newLisp too btw. it's a great bit of work, a lot of fun to code with!  cheers! :)
Hi folks. I have been using newLisp for more and more projects and am starting to end up with some reusable modules that may be of interest to this community. So I have been doing some fishing about the forums trying to sort out the best way to contribute modules to the project. I see Jeff has ArtfulCode and a google code repo going and found some reference to and some others that seems to be people's own repos. Folks seem to have their own things going but nothings jumps out as "official" however. Of course I could have missed something right in front of my face. IT happens ;)

So I was wondering if someone might summarize the state of things in that regard, what the best path might be to contribute and get modules out there. I have no trouble putting them on github or googlecode or something either and making it known. Just wondering what works best. cheers!
Since you use the terms "framework" I think a framework should be the minimal possible thing in every way.

- each layer should be as de-coupled as possible from other layers (controller, views, models, database, sessions)

- it should not have a strict directory layout

- it should not use naming conventions and directory layouts to make things "work"

- it should ask and answer, "what is a PITA about web programming" and nothing more

- if you can't guess how it works, it's no not right

imho, rails is not a framework, its a religion (or as Tim said up the page, a bureaucracy), and most so called frameworks are that. Frameworks are (should be) skeletal, simple, obvious and you do have to do some work to make things happen. This gives you the most flex. Rails is cute, cake is cute, etc. Codeigniter is a true framework. I have bent it into a pretzel with ease, rails (et. al.) does not bend.

If you want something you can hack on, whack on, rails is great, if you want a framework you can innovate on, maintain and service the customer, codeigniter is a very good example of what do to and how to do it.

I guess what I am saying is I like a code base that is to web coding as like unix is an OS framework, discrete, sensible parts that can work together in any way you feel like glueing them together. Rails (et. al.) feels like windows to me.

CodeIgniter is a really cool framework for PHP. Lightweight. Quick and it comes with a very good user guide. But in some cases it feels not elegant, e.g. working on lists or arrays.

A list or arrays is all computers can do, everything else is smoke and mirrors mon ami. Funny to make that sound like it's a bad thing in a LISP forum ;)

BTW, this is my first post I think here, tho I have been lurking for quite some time, so hi all :D