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Messages - sudowriter

I completely forgot about this, but I wrote a patch to the makefile to make it more *nix-like re:$PREFIX. I only happened to notice it after doing some spring cleaning of my hard drive. :D

I just took a casual look at the newlisp changes file and there's no prefix support so far, so I think it's fair game to have it checked. I've never submitted a patch for anything before.

Just like to say I just recently discovered newlisp and am very interested in playing with it!

The first thing I want to do is literally play with newlisp itself, to make it more amenable with my package manager (and other package managers). For that to happen, I have to find a way to deal with the hardcodred "/usr" prefix in the package, and modify the ./configure script to globally change the /usr item there.

It seems easy for me to do this by simply grep'ing for all "/usr" instances and replacing it with some PREFIX variable. However,

1) there are a lot of instances of /usr, and I'm not confident I will not break anything

2) I am not experienced in playng with make files to make it such that when I run my ./configure, all instances of /usr get replaced with the proper prefix.

I think the main idea should work out that for all lisp files, I should instead get them to include a central configuration directive where

(setq newlisp-prefix "/usr")

is written or something like that. Then my ./configure script should run some sed script that replaces that with the given configure option.

Anyways, my basic idea is

1) hardcoded paths = bad

2) flexibility = good

I am looking at newlisp-10.0.2 source package freshly downloaded :D

Does anyone have any ideas?