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Messages - dave_f

In the code below, the version with "set" in line 5 produces (Second First) as a list of contexts.  This was what I expected.  

The version with "setq" produced (First First), which was a surprise.  Why is this?

thanks a lot,


     newLISP v.9.9.2 , Mac OS 10.5.5 Intel

(context 'CTX)
(context 'MAIN)
(setq ctx-names '(First Second))
(dolist (ctx-name ctx-names)
  (set 'new-ctx (new CTX ctx-name) ) ; this works as I expected
;  (setq new-ctx (new CTX ctx-name))  ; this does not work as I expected
(push new-ctx contexts)  )
(println "context list is " contexts)
OS 10.5.x has a virtual window feature called Spaces.  

I would like to assign newLISP to a single virtual window that I use for coding, but (as far as I can tell) System Preferences can't add to its list of Spaces-applications.  Is there a way to do this?



system:  Intel iMac, OS 10.5.2, newLISP 9.3.6
First, I made an array of five empty lists.  Then I tried to add an element to one of the lists in the array, using push.  It didn't work, and I would like to understand why not.  Here's the story:

> (set 'A-of-L (array 5 '(()) ))

(() () () () ())

> (push 'a  (A-of-L 2))


> A-of-L

(() () () () ())

> (A-of-L 2)


Sorry if this is clueless-newbie question!



newLISP 9.2.12

Mac OS 10.4.11

Intel iMac
I noticed that if I use Edit:Find to replace a target string with a substitute string, hitting Edit:Undo deletes the substitute string, but does not restore the original target string.  For that, you need to hit Undo a second time.  This is only a minor annoyance, but it does seem like one click too many.  

More troublesome - if I use the Replace All button in the Find window to replace multiple instances of a target string, then Undo is either grayed out or doesn't seem to do anything.  

thank you,


Mac OS 10.4.11   Intel iMac

newLISP v.9.2.10
newLISP in the real world / command-N confusion
December 02, 2007, 10:19:04 AM
This is not a very big issue, but every Mac- instinct tells me that command-N should bring up a new window in any program.  But that's not the case in the newLISP IDE, where command-N is currently assigned to "Clear tab".  

The cmd-N /new-window expectation seems to be hard-wired into my fingers - I must have made this mistake dozens of times.  Anybody else bothered by this?  

Suggestion:  My sluggish synapses would have a much easier time if "Clear tab" was assigned to shift-cmd-N and "New" was assigned to cmd-N.  


newLISP and the O.S. /
November 13, 2007, 07:41:56 PM
I just downloaded and installed the re-posted Intel development release of 9.2.5  

--->  It now works on my Intel iMac running OS 10.4.10.  Life is good.  Thanks !

Dave F
newLISP and the O.S. /
November 13, 2007, 08:38:04 AM
Good news and bad news.  

Good: after deleting the file in Receipts, I was able to install 9.2.5

Bad:  When I start newLISP, I see the dragonfly-on-cough-drop icon forever, or until I click on it, but the editing/REPL window never appears.  I tried restarting my machine, but that didn't help.  

thanks again,

Dave F.
I had a problem installing development release 9.2.5 on my Intel iMac running OS 10.4.10.  When running the install package a window popped up with the following message:

  "You cannot continue.  There is nothing to install.  "

I had no problem installing the ppc version of 9.2.5 on my work machine - a dual-G5 PowerMac runnnig OS 10.4.10.  

I had previously installed dev release 9.2.4 on both machines.

Thanks in advance,

Dave F.

Eugene, Oregon