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Messages - codernwo

newLISP and the O.S. /
November 15, 2007, 12:53:41 AM
Some neat tips and links from m35. Thanks.

     Regarding the approach, though  the C DLL approach is easier for me I would like to build an interface entirely in  newLisp. Hence I  would like to take up m35's offer of the leftover newLisp code and build on it. This will also help me to learn newLisp in a practical way.

  So the next question(to m35) is where do I get this leftover newLisp code?   ;-)
newLISP and the O.S. /
November 10, 2007, 08:45:52 PM
Thanks for the tip. I intend to start work on this soon.I Will post any development made.

newLISP and the O.S. / COM in newLISP
November 10, 2007, 01:50:09 AM

I have just discovered newLISP and it happens to be my first Lisp. I find it powerful enough to think of adopting it for my scripting needs.

   However iam disappointed that there is no COM support . Since most of my scripting on windows involves automation, i find this a serious handicap.

   Has anyone thought of adapting a library like disphelper for newlisp? I have seen lb_dishelper(for liberty basic) and comlib(for REBOL) which use a dll version of the disphelper library.

   I think this can be done for newlisp also. However my lisp is still at the learning stage to do this.

   Any thoughts on this anyone?
