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Messages - gloodnc

Anything else we might add? /
November 08, 2007, 11:41:58 AM
Hi pjot,

My preference is not worth going to the trouble of recompiling VIM on Windows (painful exercise). Thanks very much for the precise assistance -- if only the real working world were the same!

Anything else we might add? /
November 08, 2007, 11:15:41 AM
Hi pjot,

I took a look at the vimrc file located on your page. I have the following lines in my own vimrc (on Windows) adapted from your settings:

" newLISP run macro

map <F5> :call NewLispRun()<CR>

func! NewLispRun()

  !newlisp "%"


I am trying to emulate the split screen that you have in your example. However, whenever I try to run this command, it always pops up an external cmd.exe window. I'd much rather prefer to have the resulting shell showing up within the split vim console.

Is there a way to achieve this with newLISP and windows gVim?

Anything else we might add? /
October 29, 2007, 07:37:55 AM
Thanks for the feedback folks. Given the time constraints, I only have a chance to use one or the other approach -- I'll stick with the time tested extract/load/transform with a column-orientated database since I'm looking for fast searches and not looking to modify the transaction logs.


I'm new to newLISP and slowly working my way through the tutorials. Soon I will be working with large transaction logs that need to be examined for relationships and data mining (which is too heavy a definition for the type of simple analysis that I'm supposed to be doing).

Typically, the work flow recommended to me has been to load the transaction logs into a RDBMS of some type (Oracle, sqlite3, mysql, monetdb, etc) and then run SQL queries against it. After learning more about newLISP, why could I not have a newLISP script run directly against the (text) transaction logs?

Each set of logs will be in the range of 10-35million rows with no more than 15 columns of information. What do RDBMS applications offer over newLISP (or other scripting language)?

Thanks in advance.