But, Kazimir, your solution is precisely what I was seeking. After creating the various macros, the syntax is as simple as can be, and, by expanding as an explicit
Thank you very much.
-- Sam
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(all? integer? 1 2 3 "string")
(apply and (map integer? (list 1 2 3 "string")))
(integer? 1 2 3 "string")
(map list (sort (flat (dup (sequence 1 5) 4))) (explode (dup "abcd" 5)))
(map list
(sort (flat (dup (sequence 1 5) 4))) ;numbers
(explode (dup "abcd" 5)) ;letters
Can you explain why we need letex in this case? Why lambda can't take side from function definition?Quote
; make-square
; 2011-03-05
; example
; (set 's1 (make-square 2))
; (s1 'area) ;result = 4
; (s1 'perimeter) ;result = 8
; (s1 'xxx) ;result = "unknown message" error
(define (make-square side)
(letex (s side)
(lambda (msg)
((= msg 'area) (mul s s))
((= msg 'perimeter) (mul 4 s))
(true (throw-error "unknown message")) ))))
(define (magoo list-of-strings)
(magoo-aux (sort list-of-strings) '()))
(define (magoo-aux list-of-strings list-of-lists)
(if (empty? list-of-strings)
(local (newlist)
(push (pop list-of-strings) newlist)
(while (and
(not (empty? list-of-strings))
(= ((list-of-strings 0) 0) ((newlist 0) 0))
(push (pop list-of-strings) newlist -1))
(magoo-aux list-of-strings (push newlist list-of-lists -1))
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"6twikipedia.org" "7tblogger.com" "8tbaidu.com" "9tmsn.com" "10tyahoo.co.jp")
(define (url-decode str)
(replace "+" str " ") ; optional
(replace "%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])" s (char (int $1 0 16)) 1))
(define (url-decode str)
(replace "+" str " ") ; optional
(replace "%([0-9A-F][0-9A-F])" str (char (int $1 0 16)) 1))