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Messages - ski


I have a requirement to expose several directories on my big file server via the web.  My problem is that I do not want to maintain .htaccss files or <location> directives to controll access to the directories when I already have access permissions applied to the directories on the file server.  I am wondering if someone has create a function to work with the newLisp http server that will authenticate a user and then use those credentials along with the access control lists on the file system to allow/disallow access to directories and files.


newLISP newS /
September 24, 2006, 08:52:55 PM

Thanks for the reply. I checked the vim site and figured out that:

silent exe "!xterm -e newlisp % &"

does what I want by starting newlisp in an xterm window so I can see the code and the newlisp REPL loop at the same time.


newLISP newS /
September 24, 2006, 05:39:01 PM
Perfect.  I am using linux.  I will recompile the source.

newLISP newS / One more newbie question
September 24, 2006, 01:28:09 AM
Has anyone created a template system (like HTML::Template) or a simple web-app system like (CGI::APP) for new lisp?  I use both extensively in perl (especially the template system as that lets others focus on the web page look and feel while I can focus on data manipulation).


newLISP newS / Newbie question on REPL prompt
September 24, 2006, 01:24:40 AM

Is there any way to get readline functionality in the REPL prompt (e.g. so I could press the arrow key to get the last command and so I can edit a line without the left and right arrow keys (like in the bash shell)).  In many cases I find it easier to try things out from the command line with newlisp -e just because I can easily correct my mistakes.


newLISP newS / Newbie question on vim editor mode
September 24, 2006, 01:20:47 AM

I like newlisp and have set up the vim syntax and .vimrc files.  One question though.  When I jump into the run mode (via NewlispRun), I get in running in another window, but it scrolls up over all windows (e.g. it does just open a window and run the code in it.   If the program has output it wipes out the code in the upper window.  Is this expected behavour or do I have something incorrect in my set up.

