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Messages - skibud2

newLISP newS / Macors that write functions/macros?
August 04, 2006, 06:32:18 AM
In clisp, you can do something like this:

(defun create-symbol (str)
  (intern (string-upcase str)) )

(defmacro create-functions (group-name)
  (let ((f1 (create-symbol
             (format nil "~a~a" group-name 1)))
        (f2 (create-symbol
             (format nil "~a~a" group-name 2))) )
       (defun ,f1 (arg) (+ arg 1))
       (defun ,f2 (arg) (+ arg 2)) ) ) )

if you call:

(create-functions foo)

it generates

(defun foo1 (arg) (+ arg 1)) and

(defun foo2 (arg) (+ arg 2))

Can you do something similar in newLisp??