Also, why does the example have a 0 after the x in the parameter list for
I can leave that out and the function still works!
Code Select
> (define (sum (x)) (inc 0 x))
(lambda ((x)) (inc 0 x))
> (sum 1)
> (sum 5)
> sum
(lambda ((x)) (inc 6 x))
The documentation for
Well, 0 looks like a "number returned by an expression", so I would expect that
So, it's just not clear how the sum body gets updated! I want a function to be immutable - I don't expect an expression in the body to magically modify the function! This language looks interesting - I come from a TCL background and wanted to learn more Lisp, but this version is full of these incomprehensible "gimmicks" that make it very difficult to work out how to use it! The documentation is woefully inadequate. Sorry.