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Messages - borisT

Makes sense. Thanks for that.
newLISP in the real world / list of functions question
January 30, 2019, 07:45:32 AM
I'm a newbie, I'm trying to write some code that will select and run a function from a list of functions

Typically I'm doing something like this:

(define (myfunc) (println "this is myfunc"))

;; define a list of functions
(set 'funclist '(myfunc myfunc myfunc myfunc myfunc))

;; get and run the nth = 2 item of the list
(println "getting func")
(set 'afunc (funclist 2))
(println "calling func ")


Whatever I try I usully get the following error message:
Quotegetting func

calling func

ERR: invalid function : (afunc)

Could anyone explain what I'm, doing wrong?
