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Messages - gekkonier


I haven't found any reference to it before, and I thought some of you might like it too, if you use Windows:">

It's a very, very small lisp editor, with a built in repl for different kinds of lisp like languages.

You can download an installer too from github if you do not want to build.

thank you for your example, I will try it later and give you feedback since I use Purebasic too (I'm not that active there, but who knows, thats's something interesting here!)

Gruß, Gregor
newLISP newS / Re: Development release newLISP v.10.7.4
September 12, 2018, 04:33:20 AM
Quote from: "HPW"Hello Lutz,

By the way: We stll have the optional TclTk Editor. ;-)



Hello Hans-Peter,

I'm very intereted in the TclTk Editor.

Can you tell me (because I have Tomaten auf den Augen) where I can find it? I'm very curious and would like to dig it.

Thank you, Gregor
newLISP newS / Re: Development release newLISP v.10.7.4
September 11, 2018, 01:16:07 AM
Hi Lutz!

Thank you!

For the"> ... NSTALL.txt">

it would be great if you mention the usage of environment variables, I think it could help to use newLisp without any installer on Windows.

The next thing I would like to mention (not suitable maybe):

The Java Editor (and the guiserver at all) seems a bit dated. I would recommend to get rid of it.

Folks need a working editor support to get attracted. Some people are a bit turned of by the actual situation.

Take a look here:">

I recommend to get rid of guiserver and the old editor and instead consider to concentrate on an editor thats wideley used. I for myself use newLisp with Emacs (I use the newLisp mode here:"> which works great but can also be a nogo for a lot of people.

I'm learning how to write Visual Studio Code extensions, maybe that's a good way to go?

Anyway: An editor support that is widely usable without headache is crucial for broader adoption.

And: I love newLisp, it's such a productive scripting language! Thank you for working on that beauty!
Hi Lutz!

Thank you for that update!
It's kind of tedious. I hope everything is alright with joejoe...


One can only guess if you don't get any feedback.

Please provide a valid content for the symbol titles, and what output you expect from that given data.

Your code does not work at all ;)
Hi varbanov,

thank you very much for your example. I try to setup your example and tinker with it.

Sorry for that late response, i got so much work to do.

Glad it helped! ;)

for use of the newlisp editor on linux I cannot help, I'm sorry.

But maybe, if you like you could try the"> it's really excellent!

Good luck!
newLISP newS / Re: Book about Fuzzy Logic in newLISP
February 13, 2018, 04:46:19 AM

I'm enjoying your book, and newLISP at all!

I have one question just out of curiosity: In chapter 4.3 you are implementing a simple CSV based database.

At first I would have chosen save and load and build the update, modify and filtering around the built in list functions.

Did you chose csv because you wanted to show some concept or do you think it's more powerfull thatn s-exp?

This book with with the newLISP Manual, CodePatterns and the Introduction to newLISP wikibook gives a really strong foundation for study! Thank you!
Thank you rickyboy,

I need something much more simpler.

I'd like to program inhouse tools for 2-3 people in company, and for my family at home.

I like lisp like syntax much more (than my previous vehicle ruby) so I tried Common Lisp, Clojure, Racket for this tasks, but:

Common Lisp is overkill and I don't like 20mb images just for serving simple stuff. Racket ditto, the whole stack is bloated (at least it really works!), and Clojure is on Raspberries a pain.

Now newLISP - i LIKE it very much, so far.

I took a look at both newlisp on rockets and dragonfly - that seem to me the more sophisticated options for webdev with newLISP, but both are to much for me.

Nothing fancy ;)
After further investigation it seems it's the easiest way to do it with cgi on apache. and dont use the inbuilt webserver.

I'd like to tinker a bit with the inbuilt webserver.

I managed to fire one up that serves form a directory, and logs ervery request into a file.

For this i used (command-event (fn (s)) in a httpd-conf.lsp file.

This I use with newlisp httpd-conf.lsp -http -d 80 -w ./www

In this command-event i can append-file the requests into a txt file to look what a "user" is looking for.

That all works good.

Now I would like to implement something more.

Lets say: if my request looks like this:
GET /hubert HTTP/1.1

I know i can parse the request for lets say "hubert".

But how can I "route" to a custom definition which ansers to hubert?

Lets say i have this here:

(define (my-hubert)
   (print "hello world"))

How can I "answer" with (my-hubert) if someone does a GET /hubert. Instead of a file sitting in www?

Thank you so much for your input in advance,

Hi qinying, are you sure?

Im running this with UTF-8 version inside atom with plugin script (on win10, with utf-8 newLISP)

(set 'str "中文字符串")
(println str)
(println (first str))
(println (last str))
(println (rest str))
(println (explode str))

The output:

("中" "文" "字" "符" "串")

That seems to be correct to me, isn't it?