Code Select
;; @syntax (checkTestCoverage <function-testFunction> <context-testCode> <bool-showPassing>)
;; @param <function-testFunction> The function that tests the code.
;; @param <context-testCode> The context that contains the code to be tested.
;; @param <bool-showPassing> Flag to indicate printing of calls in the test function along with count of the number of times called.
;; @return 'float' as the percent of unique calls in the test function, given the functions defined in the context.
;; Functions in the context that are never called from the test function are always printed.
;; Functions in the context that are called from the test function may or may not be printed depending on the flag.
;; This function assumes that the test function is in the 'MAIN' context and that each
;; relevant call in the test function is prefixed with the context name.
;; To test the PgSQL module:
;; ' (println (format {Percent PgSQL Coverage: %3.1f} (checkTestCoverage 'test-pgsql PgSQL)))'
;; Neil Tiffin, March 2015, newLisp 10.6.2
(define (checkTestCoverage testFunction testContext showTestCount)
(let (
(test-functions nil)
(context-functions (sort (filter (fn (s) (lambda? (eval s))) (symbols testContext)))))
(dolist (ln (parse (source testFunction) "n"))
(let (found-list (find-all (append (string testContext) {:[^"'():,s]+}) ln))
(if (true? found-list)
(dolist (found-function found-list)
(if (nil? test-functions)
(push (list found-function 1) test-functions)
(if (nil? (assoc found-function test-functions))
(push (list found-function 1) test-functions)
(setf (assoc found-function test-functions) (list found-function (+ 1 (lookup found-function test-functions 1))))))))))
(dolist (symb context-functions)
(if (nil? (assoc (string symb) test-functions))
(println "Function NOT Tested: " symb)))
(if (true? showTestCount)
(dolist (symb context-functions)
(if (true? (assoc (string symb) test-functions))
(println "Function Tested: " (format {%3d } (lookup (string symb) test-functions 1)) symb ))))
; return percent coverage
(mul (div (float (length test-functions)) (float (length context-functions))) 100.0)))