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Messages - Linux_x189

Quote from: "cormullion"Don't forget to use + - * /  % rather than add sub mul div mod for integers...

If you find any errors or can add suggestions">//, please do! :)

Thx, I will check the website for some detiles.
I think something may be wrong in newlisp.

I write my pow Integer-version of "pow" :

(define (** x y , (.pow 1)) (dotimes (i y) (set '.pow (* .pow x))))

and It just works fine with 9^17:

(** 9 17) returns:


It's fine. So I continued:

(mod (** 9 17) 17) returns


It's wrong again!  

Now, I write my own mod funciton:

(define (mymod x y) (- x (* y (/ x y))))

(mymod (** 9 17) 17)

finally I get the right answer:


I think maybe some thing wrong with the "mod" function.

(** 9 17) is not a too big integer but "mod" failed to work
Quote from: "cormullion"I don't think pow is big-integer friendly - has (pow 9 17) already exceeded 64-bit integer range and converted to float?

The addition of bigint into newLISP is very recent, and at the moment I don't think all arithmetic operations can handle them. newLISP isn't designed to be as maths-aware a language as some others, and you'll need to be careful how you switch between int, float, and bigint...

Newlisp does not have an Integer version of "pow" . (Theris is * for mul , / for div and so on...)

Ok, It looks like I should be careful of 'pow' when dealing with big numbers.

the length of (pow 9 17) is just 17 , not get out of the 64bit's limitation.
Hi guys!

I am new to newlisp, and recently I encounting a really strange problem.

I type the following code in newlisp:

(mod (bigint (pow 9 17)) 17)

the answers  ( I typed it in windows xp(32bit) and Archlinux(64bit)) is:

10 (winxp)

8   (Archlinux)

but the answer should be 9.

And the 'pow' part is also quiet strange:

(bigint (pow 9 17))  returns 16677181699666570L

but the answer should be one less than that.

So, what is wrong I did. Or is it a bug?

Need some help ; )