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Messages - g1i1ch

Yeah I saw that, I like to use symbols as my keys and doing that with the association lists plus contexts causes weird behaviors. Say if I have a global database associative list and want to access it within (context thing) all my symbols are automatically changed. When I do (lookup 'stuff MAIN:db) 'stuff is changed to thing:stuff and of course the db is a MAIN context variable so thing:stuff returns nothing.

Kinda annoying when I want to access the database from multiple contexts and have to manually change every lookup to have MAIN: at the front. We should change lookup and assoc to append the symbols with the context of the list it's looking up, not the current context because then it's just extremely painful to use between contexts.

[edit] wrong word
newLISP in the real world / Property lists in newlisp?
February 13, 2012, 08:36:47 PM
I remmember that in common Lisp I could do something like this:

(list :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)

Is there any way to make this kind of list in newlisp. I saw hashes but I'd like to make something like this within another list and it seems hashes need their own namespace.
Since my focus is games I'd love to see a sdl library, and an improved newlisp-edit.