New version of newLISP-JS based on future stable release v.10.7.5:
Best on Firefox web browser.
Hello Lutz,
Thank you very much for the ongoing support of this target platform. Great News!
Can you provide a download link for the complete package?
Any special info from the Change-log besides newlisp 10.7.5 ? About the emscripten version?
Edit: Any Chance to also build a WebAssembly Version?
For the download link click the info button in the menu. There is a link in the installation paragraph on that page.
Nothing new in this version, except that it requires web assembly in the browser and is a bit faster loading and executing. Most newer browser versions have web assembly support in it.
Firefox seems to be the only browser, which can load/run it directly without being served by a web server. Chrome and Safari browsers only do it via a web server. Chrome is as fast as Firelfox, Safari is slower. Have not tried Windows Explorer at all.
Hello Lutz,
Thanks for the info. So it is a WA-only version! So any chance to get a JS version?
When I remember prior tests the JS-version was a bit more compatible across different Browsers.
Thanks Lutz.
newLISP anywhere :-)
Where do you guys look for the newest versions? Where are they available the first?
Lutz original Version always on the link he posted here in the thread:
For the package click on the info button. It links to: