So... does the smtpx.lsp module work over SSL? I'm guessing that it doesn't... is that right?
No. Lutz was wise not to include OpenSSL into the codebase; he must have looked at it and realized what a steaming pile it was. Hopefully soon Libressl will be in a place where it is easy to link it in the way libffi etc are linked in; that would be very nice for many things.
If you were to find some C code that uses openssl (or libressl) to initiate a connection, I am willing to take it the next step and make a newLisp module to load the appropriate C functions.
All the C code has to do is create the internet connection, then finish the connection, write a byte, and read a byte. If it can do those things, I can take it from there.
Such code probably already exists, you just have to find it.
Hmm. Well thanks, I may or may not take you up on that offer in a couple of weeks... we'll see. I'll reply here if I do!