[size=200]HAPPY 2013[/size]
To all newlispers... A good and frutefull newlisp year.. may the source be with you this year!
Lutz thanks for the releases this year.. hope to see more ;-)
Greetings, Norman
I wish also a Happy new year.
Thanks again to Lutz for the ongoing great work.
Thanks to all reading and posting on this forum. For the rest of the message execute the following:
newlisp http://newlisp.org/example.lsp
Happy New Years to y'all newLisper's.
Special thanks goes to Lutz and Cormullion. Both of them always seem to be perpetually available.
This is the best language community I have ever been part of.
Love you all.
I'd like to second Jo's thanks to Lutz and cormullion. Lutz for developing this beautyful language that finally ended my search for the perfect one. And cormullion for always being ready to lend a helpful and friendly hand here at the club.
Here's to another year of Lutz, cormullion, and newLISP!
m i c h a e l
happy new year everybody!
I've heard rumors that the 2013 newLISP series will be even leaner and meaner!!!

-- xytroxon
Happy new year to everyone.
It's been great being involved in newLISP discussion and sharing with everybody here. I hope we continue the good discussions, as we already have for these many years now. Have a wonderful 2013, y'all!