newLISP Fan Club

Forum => newLISP newS => Topic started by: kindmoji on June 26, 2011, 12:04:08 PM

Title: TCL
Post by: kindmoji on June 26, 2011, 12:04:08 PM
Hi  dear friends ,

I want to learn a scripting language .

I want to know if anyone knows " TCL " (tool command language) programming , and what is the differences between that and newlisp(in abilities) and which is easier for a newbie ? and which cost time for learning for web applications?

and i want to know which is minimalist ?

Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: TCL
Post by: Lutz on June 27, 2011, 11:26:33 AM
If your main interest are web applications, learn JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS first and use it for client side scripting, then learn newLISP for server side scripting and use it to automatically generate JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS for the client. Basically the same way people work in Python, Ruby or other scripting languages than newLISP.  

I would prefer newLISP over Python and Ruby if you like a minimalistic approach and the fact that newLISP has so many things already built-in, which would need the installation of other modules and libraries when using Python or Ruby.

If you are completely new to programming, you will need a few months to feel comfortable in that set of tools, but to really master any of these you need to put in more then a few months of learning, reading other people's code, manuals, books etc.

You can probably do some useful work much earlier, perhaps after a few weeks, but to get proficient you need to put in much more effort.
Title: Re: TCL
Post by: kindmoji on June 27, 2011, 10:27:04 PM
Dear Lutz,

thanks a lot, I'm going to used to it ,

sincerely yours.
Title: Re: TCL
Post by: PapoAnaya on November 09, 2012, 08:15:12 AM
Quote from: "kindmoji"Hi  dear friends ,

I want to know if anyone knows " TCL " (tool command language) programming , and what is the differences

On Tcl

I work with Tcl at work, but the version we got at work has a lot of niceties, but it's still a Tcl engine. Tcl is a fine language for systems applications rather than web IMHO.  However, it does have a http module if you are interested in writing CGI scripts, which run server side. There's a Tcl plugin to run applets in a web browser, but I'm sure that it's so obscure and nobody uses it.  The core language is an imperative language with a similar syntax to Perl or C. There have been Object Oriented extensions written on the language, and there are many plugins available. If you want to get a lot of information on Tcl, head to //

On Web Development

I agree on the choices of languages written by Lutz in terms of learning a language for Web Development. However Web Development is a discipline rather than a given technology and it depends a lot of what you want to do.

There are three things that you need to know to perform effective web development.

    • CSS
    • JavaScript

    The rest depend on the technology  of the system that you are working with. All of these provide similar facilities for web development with certain degree of features provided for a given task.

    • JSP Engines
    • LAMP/WAMP stacks
    • ASP, ASP.NET
    • DragonFly
    • CGI Scripting
    • Ruby on Rails
    • Django

    All these are web engines that will run server side. They require a specific set of technology to write programs on the web. You should read on these and get familiar on the technology that interests you.

    On Tcl vs newLISP

    The question is what would be easier for a newbie , the answer usually lies, depends on the newbie. :) If you come from a shell scripting or C development background you will find the Tcl syntax more familiar than newLISP. If you come from a Scheme background, then newLISP will look more familiar than Tcl. In terms of learning curve, they are both equally bad.  :).

    I personally do a lot of development on both. However, all my personal development is done in newLISP. It is probably because I need to endure Tcl on a daily basis that my mind needs a break. :)