I dont know but perhpas handy to have for those who are in need of it.
A simple unseen IMAP SSL checkup. Im using it in an automated cycle that
pops up a message to the screen every 5 minutes.. you can rebuild it to you own taste.
Not all error checking is included but works for me..
Enjoy.. and ..btw it doesn't work with gmail.
; ---------------------------------------------------
; RAW IMAP unseen messages checkup over ssl
; assumes openssl installed!
; runs only on Unix/Linux.
; use at own risk.
; copyleft version 0.3, newdep.
; ---------------------------------------------------
(setq imaps-server "imap.server.dom") ; imap secure server name
(setq imaps-port "993") ; ssl secure port (993)
(setq unseen 0) ; unseen messages
;(setq user "ScoobyDoo") ; pre-set username
(setq dont-check '( "Trash" )) ; dont check these boxes for new mail. must match exactly
;; predefined functions
(define (clear-and-wait)
(setq buffer "")
(sleep 2000)) ; 2 seconds wait, give the server some slack.
(define (grab-while-peek)
(while (!= 0 (peek cltin)) (setq buffer (read-line cltin))))
(define (ask-user)
(setq user "")
(print "nIMAPS username: ")
(setq user (read-line)))
(define (ask-pass)
(setq pass "" c "")
(print "IMAPS password: ")
(while (!= (format "%c" (setq c (read-key))) "n")
(push (format "%c" c) pass -1) (print "*"))
(define (ask)
(define (verify-input)
(print "nAre these oke? (y/n/Q)")
(case (lower-case (char (read-key)))
("n" (ask)) ("y" true) ("q" (exit)) ("n" (verify-input))))
;; if already defined user then only ask password
(if user (ask-pass) (ask))
(println "n* Connecting to ssl://" imaps-server ":" imaps-port)
;; create pipes to communicate with openssl
(map set '(cltin imapsout) (pipe))
(map set '(imapsin cltout) (pipe))
;; process to the background, must exist!
(setq imaps (process (append (first (exec "which openssl")) { s_client -connect } imaps-server {:} imaps-port) imapsin imapsout))
(if-not imaps
(println "* Unable to process openssl!")
(destroy imaps)
;; wait for response on previous action
;; is it oke?
(if (find "* OK " buffer)
(println "* SSL connection setup")
(write-line cltout (append {. LOGIN} { } user { "} pass {"})))
(println "* No IMAP SSL server!")
(destroy imaps)
;; wait for response on previous action
;; is it ok?
(if (find " OK Logged " buffer)
(println "* Logged in.")
(write-line cltout {. LIST "" "*" }))
(println "* Wrong authentication")
(destroy imaps)
;; wait for response on previous action
;; grab boxes
(while (!= 0 (peek cltin)) (push (last (parse (read-line cltin))) boxes -1))
;; clear last " OK " responce from list
(if (= (last boxes) "completed.") (pop boxes -1))
;; pop the boxes from the list you dont want to be checked
(dolist (dont dont-check) (if (ref dont boxes) (pop boxes (ref dont boxes))))
;; checked every box for unseen messages.
(setq buffer "")
(dolist (box boxes)
(write-line cltout (append {. STATUS} { } (string box) { } {(UNSEEN)}))
(setq buffer (read-line cltin))
(if (find "* STATUS" buffer) ( inc unseen (int ( (parse buffer) -2))))
(setq buffer (read-line cltin))
;; Notify and goodbye
(println "* You have (" unseen ") unseen messages" )
(write cltout ". LOGOUT")
(destroy imaps)
Cool beans newdep, thanks for sharing! This might come in handy at some point...