newLISP Fan Club

Forum => newLISP in the real world => Topic started by: Jeremy Reimer on May 19, 2010, 10:39:59 AM

Title: What is the best way to get the URL generated by a <FORM>?
Post by: Jeremy Reimer on May 19, 2010, 10:39:59 AM
Hi folks,

I'm trying to build a field selector in newLISP.  Right now I have the code:

(define (multi-select-box inputlist)
(let (a "")
(extend a "<form action='multi-select-submit.cgi'")
(dolist (x inputlist)
(extend a "<input type='checkbox' name='input' value='" (string x) "'>" (string x) "<br>"))
(extend a "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>")
(extend a "</form>")

What this function does is return a string that creates a multi-select HTML form (with checkboxes) based on a list.  This string can then be printed to the web page.  When the user clicks "Submit", it redirects to a URL like this one:


Now, from that URL I can probably extract the form values input=document and input=element.  But I'm not sure how to get the current URL in the first place.  

I am using newLISP and Dragonfly to serve the web pages.

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Title: Re: What is the best way to get the URL generated by a <FORM>?
Post by: itistoday on May 19, 2010, 11:05:40 AM
I'm not sure I understand your question. But just looking at your code I see that you're using the same name for all the checkboxes. If you want to do that you should put a '[]' after the name like this: 'input[]' so that Dragonfly gets all the values in a list, not just the last one.

Have you looked over these?



Remember, all of the guide is in the example-site folder that comes with Dragonfly, and you're encouraged to also browse through its source to see the source for the guide's pages as well as it's a good way to learn Dragonfly.
Title: Re: What is the best way to get the URL generated by a <FORM>?
Post by: Jeremy Reimer on May 19, 2010, 01:15:39 PM
Thanks, it was ($GET) that I was looking for.  I wanted to make a multi-select box and return all elements the user checked.  You were exactly right, I needed to add "[]" to each "input" element, so that I could get back the whole thing as a list.  

So now I have

(define (multi-select-box inputlist)
(let (a "")
(extend a "<form action='multi-select-submit.cgi'")
(dolist (x inputlist)
(extend a "<input type='checkbox' name='input[]' value='" (string x) "'>" (string x) "<br>"))
(extend a "<input type='submit' value='Submit'>")
(extend a "</form>")

and in multi-select-submit.cgi I have:

(println "<br>GET info: " ($GET "input[]"))

And the answer it returns is a list of checked elements, eg: GET info: ("element" "name" "date" "data")

This is exactly what I wanted! Thanks so much!
Title: Re: What is the best way to get the URL generated by a <FORM>?
Post by: itistoday on May 19, 2010, 01:37:28 PM
Glad I could help. :-)