I have a requirement to expose several directories on my big file server via the web. My problem is that I do not want to maintain .htaccss files or <location> directives to controll access to the directories when I already have access permissions applied to the directories on the file server. I am wondering if someone has create a function to work with the newLisp http server that will authenticate a user and then use those credentials along with the access control lists on the file system to allow/disallow access to directories and files.
Hmmm.. Have you looked at Lutz' newLISP wiki? I don't think he does user authentication, but there is some password/file stuff there. Could be some ideas...
The newLISP on Noodles project was intended to do this type of stuff, but I think the project never got off the ground... //http://newlisp-on-noodles.org/wiki/index.php/User