I'm running macosx 10.4 with java 1.5 and when the GUI icon is double-clicked, the error "Cannot launch java application...uncaught exception in main method...java.io.IOException: newlisp: not found" occurs.
However, if I cd to /usr/bin/newlisp-edit and run it from there, it works fine.
What needs to be tweaked to make the icon double-clickable? Tim
I don't know... :-( Inside the app there's a read-me, but I think it's out of date, cos it refers to the wrong paths.
It's strange that the newlisp-edit is in /usr/bin, though (because user-added stuff usually goes in local...?). Although mine is in /usr/bin/, and it works OK for me.
Did you install from the newlisp-9.2.0-xxx.dmg installer?
Install again, but click on uninstall first to remove, what is installed.
Running newlisp-edit from the icon is nicer because it puts the menu on top of the screen as is usual for Mac apps.
Thanks for your replies. Yes, I used .dmg. I just uninstalled and reinstalled; same error.