Proposal: variable

Started by Kazimir Majorinc, March 08, 2009, 11:02:50 AM

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Kazimir Majorinc

Newlisp has constant:

> (set 'x 3)
> (constant 'x)
> x
> (set 'x 4)

ERR: symbol is protected in function set : x

May I suggest variable as opposite to constant? It should be also applicable on the symbols assigned to primitives. Theoretical reasons: completeness, distinguishing concept of variable and symbol, some increase of expressive power. Practical reasons: constant can replace set, but not let, letex, expand , delete... For example, something like this is currently impossible:

(letex ((println my-print))

Although it clearly has sense. In the case variable is introduced, form (constant sym-1 exp-1 [...]) is redundant and it can be deprecated or not.\">WWW site;\">blog.